The best marketing? Makes you FEEL something. When you look at great marketing? Three things should be clear 1. You feel seen 2. You don't feel "marketed to" 3. You understand their POV clearly Here's a simple tests I recommend for messaging. Have your ideal customers read your copy. 💬 Then ask them: "When you read the copy" "What did your inner voice say to you?" "What was the first thing it made you feel?" If your messaging is STRONG Your audience will have moments like these 👇 Where that little voice whispers to them: "This brand understands my pain!" "YES, finally I feel seen" "They get me" One of the best tips to get closer to this? Start using quotes for your headlines. Some of the best H1s are quotes. They relay strong emotion + customer POV. Without sounding like B2B jargon. Stop trying to sound impressive. Start trying to sound human. Your conversion rate will thank you ✌️
Great marketing doesn’t talk at you it speaks to you
If you eat fish
Love this! Emotions drive action. If your marketing doesn't make people feel something, it's unlikely to make them do anything. The "inner voice" test is a brilliant way to gauge if your message is hitting home. It's about making people feel understood, not just sold to.
Great ad.
Brilliant takeaway, marketing that feels human always wins. Asking, 'What did your inner voice say?' is such a simple yet powerful way to test messaging. It's all about connection, not jargon.
Marketing is about connection, not persuasion. When your audience feels seen, they don’t feel sold to.
the best marketing doesn't feel like marketing h/t Vedika Bhaia