2nd Generational Heir to Nikola Tesla, 1st to Drazen, World's leading authority on CTP Energy Science, C-domain Communication™, CTP (anti)gravitic & FTL propulsion. Architect of the Nth Industrial Revolution™
Even Elon posits this position (as I have for over the past three years here...)
Elon Musk tells Joe Rogan he’s confident Lockheed, Northrop & Boeing do not have secret breakthrough propulsion technology.
“I have the equivalent of an all-access pass from a security clearance standpoint. I don’t think they’re hiding it from me. I don’t think they could.”
Uap's they're gonna release all the API information, so you're the guy to ask about this? What? What, if any, possibility is there that there is some sort of advanced propulsion system technology that's being worked on in secret? Umm. And that they're trying to cover this up with this talk of aliens and alien tech and not of this world. And is it possible that there's some sort of very secret program that's going on in cahoots with some defense contractors that are developing advanced propulsion systems that they're using for these drones? Uh, I mean SpaceX. You know. Like how many SpaceX has has the most advanced rocket technology in the world? I think I know. Right. And I the best of my knowledge, there is not any magic there's there's not like some super advanced propulsion technology. There have been people who have theorized different gravity drives and different things. Is there anything that's ever gotten past the theoretical stage? No, Nothing. Well, there's nothing even that I'm aware of that works in theory. Umm, it's not like I I I would like this to exist. To be clear, I would like this to exist and I have the. I I from a security clearance standpoint I have top top secret there there is I have equivalent of like an all access pass from a security clearance standpoint. So. I'm like, I don't think they're hiding it from me. Basically, I don't think they they could. Unless it's completely in these weapons manufacturing corporations. I mean, I know these weapons manufacturing companies like Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop, I mean. Yeah, they do some interesting things, but they do not have. There's no breakthrough that they have. So I'm confident they do not have a break.
Field Service Biomedical Engineering /Inventor medical devices / Interest Space phenomena
2dThat is not true