Mark McFee, our Editorial and Insights Director, took part in Investment Week's Private Markets Focus event a couple of weeks ago alongside representatives from Schroders, GAM Investments, Gravis and M&G Investments. The consensus was that we are currently at the 'Tip of the iceberg' for UK wealth allocations into the sector, progress is 'significant', but there is still a huge requirement for education! Read on to find out more about what was discussed: #privatemarkets #panelevent #assetmanagement #financialresearch
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For those of you that were not in the room - YOU should have been! Here's an article from Investment Week Private Markets Focus event, the other week. For those of you/asset managers leaning, peering in or peeking round the corner at this space be it domestically or globally, there are worst things you could do than speak to us, others have, and no longer have FOMO. You know where you can find us. #marketresearch #privatemarkets
Mark McFee, our Editorial and Insights Director, took part in Investment Week's Private Markets Focus event a couple of weeks ago alongside representatives from Schroders, GAM Investments, Gravis and M&G Investments. The consensus was that we are currently at the 'Tip of the iceberg' for UK wealth allocations into the sector, progress is 'significant', but there is still a huge requirement for education! Read on to find out more about what was discussed: #privatemarkets #panelevent #assetmanagement #financialresearch
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Global investment trusts offer access to opportunities across the world. But where are our global trust managers seeing the best opportunities at the moment? And how are they trying to achieve diversification while also delivering attractive returns? We found out at the Investment Company Showcase. Watch the full panel session here: Craig Baker Simon Barnard, CFA Jamie Ross, CFA Alliance Witan WTW Alisha Desai Mark Atkinson Smithson Investment Trust Fundsmith LLP The Bankers Investment Trust PLC Janus Henderson Investors Janus Henderson Group PLC Janus Henderson Investment Trusts, UK Alexis Barling Harriet Hall Annabel Brodie-Smith Vanessa Booth Nick Britton, CFA, MCSI Nick Gardner Juliet Webber Richard Stone #aicshowcase #investmenttrusts #investmentcompanies #investing
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Simon Barnard, the Portfolio Manager of Smithson Investment Trust, has recently participated as a panellist in The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) “Go Anywhere Portfolios” discussion. Discover where he is identifying the best investment opportunities worldwide by following this link: Capital at risk. #SmithsonInvestmentTrust #Fundsmith #InvestmentOpportunities #AIC #PortfolioManagement #InvestmentTrusts #Finance #GoAnywherePortfolios
Global investment trusts offer access to opportunities across the world. But where are our global trust managers seeing the best opportunities at the moment? And how are they trying to achieve diversification while also delivering attractive returns? We found out at the Investment Company Showcase. Watch the full panel session here: Craig Baker Simon Barnard, CFA Jamie Ross, CFA Alliance Witan WTW Alisha Desai Mark Atkinson Smithson Investment Trust Fundsmith LLP The Bankers Investment Trust PLC Janus Henderson Investors Janus Henderson Group PLC Janus Henderson Investment Trusts, UK Alexis Barling Harriet Hall Annabel Brodie-Smith Vanessa Booth Nick Britton, CFA, MCSI Nick Gardner Juliet Webber Richard Stone #aicshowcase #investmenttrusts #investmentcompanies #investing
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It's time for another Calgary Investors Education Forum webinar! On April 29th, Dr. Maria Lizak with Pinnacle Wealth Brokers will answer this question: Is Private Equity an asset class that you should consider for your investment portfolio? Prior to the regulation of the industry in 2010, the answer would likely be NO. But with regulation came a new retail sector for private equity issuers, opening up participation in the sector to millions of additional participants. Learn why Private Equity is often considered a good diversification class for your investment strategy. Maria will address these topics in her short presentation (approx. 40 minutes) and then answer all your questions in the Q&A following. This is a free webinar. Let's learn together! #netwebcomparty #privateequity #investing #retirementplanning #portfoliodiversification
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As alternative investments become more popular with investors, opportunities to invest in private markets are now available. EP Wealth Advisors Associate Director of Alternative Investment Research, Alfonso Rodriguez, CFA, shares his thoughts on meeting client needs in regard to private market investing with Private Equity International. Read Alfonso’s comments here: #EPWealthAdvisors #PrivateEquityInternational #PrivateEquity #WealthManagement #AlternativeInvestments
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A full house this morning for Investment Week's Private Markets event at The Ned in London. Our speakers from Research in Finance, Gravis, Schroders, M&G Investments and GAM Investments will be discussing their perspectives on the outlook for private markets for this year and beyond. If you're interested in being involved in our 2025 Private Markets events, get in touch today. Katrina Lloyd #privatemarkets #privateassets #privateequity #privatecredit #investmentevents
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Investment Week's final Market Focus event of the year takes place this Thursday 14 November at The Ned in London and is on Private Markets! Register your free place today at the link below. #PrivateMarkets have entered an exciting new era in the UK wealth management space as innovative fund structures and platforms are opening up growth opportunities, as well as prompting discussions about the role of private assets in client portfolios. Attend to hear the views of a number of different private market providers in one place and listen to expert speakers offer their perspectives on the outlook for private markets for this year and beyond, explain their current portfolio positioning and how their funds may fit in investors' portfolios. Sessions include: 📍 UK retail appetite for private assets: Key opportunities and challenges - Mark McFee, Editorial and Insights Director at Research in Finance 📍 Capturing value in late-stage venture capital - Kevin Moss, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, Liberty Street Advisers GAM Investments 📍 Private credit: Investing in diversified infrastructure - Albane Poulin, Head of Private Credit, Gravis 📍 Is Energy Transition Infrastructure the perfect asset class for investors? - Duncan Hale and Jack Wasserman, CFA at Schroders 📍 Real Assets: Revitalising the essential infrastructure of today and priming for tomorrow - Anish Majmudar, CFA, Head of Real Assets, M&G Investments 📍 Panel discussion: Where now for private market allocations in the UK wealth space? Anthony Leatham of Peel Hunt, Mark McFee of Research in Finance and James Lowe, CFA of Schroders #privatemarkets #privateassets #realassets #investors #wealthmanagement #investmentevents #fundselectors #assetallocation #privateequity
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Time flies and the WM Nexus Autumn Investment Trends Forum is next Tuesday (24th) 🍂 I even get to share the stage with Edward McDonald and Ian Clarke Chartered MCSI for our panel discussing "The Challenges & Opportunities of a Private Markets Offering for Private Clients" ⏲ If you are also attending, please do get in touch. 📣 #PrivateWealthFinance #FamilyOffices #WealthManagement #PrivateMarkets #DAFs #LTAFs 💡 Alina Legendi Wendy Marston Ed Hicks Jaya Gupta Addleshaw Goddard
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Edinburgh Investment Trust has been rated as a compelling core holding, offering exposure to high-quality companies with strong earnings growth, in a new Trust Intelligence analysis by Kepler Partners LLP. The Trust, managed by Imran Sattar and Emily Barnard, takes a total return approach, focusing on companies with economic moats, structural growth potential and strong fundamentals. Discover how this high-conviction strategy is uncovering opportunities in the UK and internationally that has led to outperformance of its benchmark. Read the full report of Kepler Trust Intelligence: Capital at risk. This should not be construed as investment advice. #InvestmentInsights #UKEquities #TotalReturn #HighConviction
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We are looking forward to being part of this weeks Investment Week Private Markets Focus event. We'll be covering insight from our recent UK Private Markets specific outlook. Details within the post #marketresearch #uk #privatemarkets
Marketing Director - Wealth Management at Incisive Media Investment Week, Professional Adviser, COVER, Investment IQ and Incisive Connect
Investment Week's final Market Focus event of the year takes place this Thursday 14 November at The Ned in London and is on Private Markets! Register your free place today at the link below. #PrivateMarkets have entered an exciting new era in the UK wealth management space as innovative fund structures and platforms are opening up growth opportunities, as well as prompting discussions about the role of private assets in client portfolios. Attend to hear the views of a number of different private market providers in one place and listen to expert speakers offer their perspectives on the outlook for private markets for this year and beyond, explain their current portfolio positioning and how their funds may fit in investors' portfolios. Sessions include: 📍 UK retail appetite for private assets: Key opportunities and challenges - Mark McFee, Editorial and Insights Director at Research in Finance 📍 Capturing value in late-stage venture capital - Kevin Moss, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, Liberty Street Advisers GAM Investments 📍 Private credit: Investing in diversified infrastructure - Albane Poulin, Head of Private Credit, Gravis 📍 Is Energy Transition Infrastructure the perfect asset class for investors? - Duncan Hale and Jack Wasserman, CFA at Schroders 📍 Real Assets: Revitalising the essential infrastructure of today and priming for tomorrow - Anish Majmudar, CFA, Head of Real Assets, M&G Investments 📍 Panel discussion: Where now for private market allocations in the UK wealth space? Anthony Leatham of Peel Hunt, Mark McFee of Research in Finance and James Lowe, CFA of Schroders #privatemarkets #privateassets #realassets #investors #wealthmanagement #investmentevents #fundselectors #assetallocation #privateequity
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Founder and CEO of Research In Finance and Research in Insurance, award winning market research, consultancy & publisher.
3moIt was a fascinating discussion and very clear about the size of the opportunity but also the need for more education and information. Delighted we could contribute our research and insights.