One of the purposes of the NALP #annualeducationconference is to reconnect with others in the industry, especially for those of us in it for a long time. Last week, it was great to catch up with people who I have grown up with in the profession, who have been instrumental in my own career development, (looking at you, Debby, Michele, Emily, Victor, Yujin, Kathren, Carryn). And, then to be sitting next to Carryn at the Flo Recruit dinner! Carryn and I are part of each other’s law firm “origin stories” and it was fun to relive and share how we were trained in that bygone era, from use of significant digits in GPA calculations, the order the doucments appeared in the callback file, printing callback documents on the appropriate colored paper, the correct *full* names of law schools on the appropriately colored file labels, callback reports, FedEx’ing candidate files to Chicago prior to the 5:00 p.m. cutoff, arraning seating charts for recruiting dinners, etc.
And, to top the week off, I get to see my oversized headshot at the business meeting, when I was recognized with Clara Solomon and Donna Gerson by our peers at NALP, for doing “work,” that I don’t really consider work. It is so fulfilling when I can connect people and, more importantly, advance other careers. And, to feel and hear the appreciation from the #aapi members, well, it makes it all worthwhile.
#nalp #nalpannual #legalrecruiting
What an honor to receive the 2024 NALP Service Excellence Award at this year’s conference alongside my colleagues Clara Solomon and Michael Nguyen! NALP is unparalleled for its people, statistical studies, learning opportunities, and overall community. I look forward to staying involved.
I am so glad that my Drexel University's Thomas R. Kline School of Law colleagues Jennifer Moore, Jennifer Whitehurst, Esq., Elizabeth Dunn, and Rashida T. West were in Boston to network and learn from leaders across the U.S. and Canada.
Honored to keep serving our amazing organization!! 💙💛