Greetings from Netanya! Because I am actively seeking opportunities, I hope you will indulge me as I take a moment to write about an important subject: Me. Well, what about me? What distinguishes me as a candidate? You might ask, "What's your super power, Philip?" (I was born in Cleveland, Ohio, birthplace of Superman, so I am well acquainted with super powers. It's in the water there.) Glad you asked. My passion is for solving problems to make people's lives better. When it comes to my management style, what I have most often been noted for is my ability to remain calm in the face of crisis and danger. My approach is to focus on the solutions, not on the problems. That sounds trite, but it's true - it is easy to be overwhelmed by challenges and risks to a project, and when those issues and challenges start to pile up, panic can set in. This is where I excel. By analogy, let's look at a knotted ball of string. "It's impossible! We'll never get it sorted out!" But by stepping back, turning that knotted mess over in our hands together, we can spot that loose end and start to tease out the solution - one thread leads to another, tugging here loosens things there... and soon, we've got a lovely, straight piece of string leading where we need to go. (Or perhaps we need to take a different approach. Turning over that knotted ball of string, we might decide that what we really need is a Hacky Sack! Gotta think differently sometimes.) This is what I do - calmly, methodically leading the way to alleviating knotty problems. I would love to share that "super power" in my next career. If you need a level-headed, focused, diligent voice of reason and calm, I'm here for you. Specialties: Project management, business analysis. Critical thinking. Problem solving. Understanding people. Building teams of people who feel valued. Risk management. Technology of many and varied types and complexities. Let's connect!
Any company would be lucky to have Philip Setnik, PMP, CSM
I can attest to every quality and strength Phil has mentioned here. Actually he is understating his skill sets. I worked with Phil on many complex, critical health care projects with conpressed schedules… and he always delivered above and beyond. This is a guy you want on your team when you go to battle !
I absolutely agree with everyone regarding Phil's skills and positive experiences of working with him. I had the opportunity some years back to collaborate on a major UH project with him. His input, the work he was responsible for, and his overall contribution to the project were so valuable. He was instrumental in its success! Wishing you the best, Phil.
Nice you are in Haaretz! I am planning to go soon!!! «AM ISRAEL HAI »
Commenting for better reach - Phil was a great colleague and collaborator at when I worked at University Hospitals. A total asset to any organization smart enough to pick him up 🙂 Wishing you the best, Phil.
Best of luck Philip🙏🙏🙏
Best of luck Phil!
Passionate patient champion and fierce patient advocate/Qualitative researcher and ethnographer
4moCommenting for reach. Phil and I were colleagues at University Hospitals in Cleveland for many years. You would be fortunate to have him in your team or leading a project.