Among the several Sustainability Reports and ESG Reports that I have authored, one I am particularly proud of, along with the others, is the one for #AstralLtd. who are one of the world's largest building products multi-national corporations. Now that Environmental, Social and Governance (#ESG) reporting and disclosures are picking up pace globally, a #GRI based #SustainabilityReport is always an excellent way to objectively demonstrate an organisation's ESG credentials and profile to its employees, consumers, investors, regulators and wider stakeholders. Such a report emphasizes an organisation's right intent and focus on ESG and Sustainability without mere slogans and marketing, hence avoiding #greenwashing. And also, without losing sight of #Social and #Governance areas in the era of #ClimateChange and #EnvironmentProtection.
Particularly, the level of detail that went into this report, the widespread coverage of all areas ESG and more, and full compliance with GRI standards lends a level of objectivity and credibility that sets itself apart. We are already seeing the benefits flowing from various angles on the basis of such robust Sustainability Reports including from #ESGRatingAgencies that have lapped up this report!
The amount of work that goes in such a report to gather the mountain of data/information required, verify and assess its authenticity and completeness, and at the same time implement continuous improvement mechanisms to further enhance the data/information going forward is mind-boggling but absolutely worth it in the end.
Get in touch if you would like to explore how we can help you in all things ESG and Sustainability.