The Oxford University Press Handbook of Patient Safety has received a great review in BMJ Quality and Safety: Honkoop PJ. BMJ Qual Saf Epub ahead of print: 21st June 2024. A few excerpts: "Most readers of BMJ Quality & Safety will agree that patients should not be harmed while receiving care and patient safety practices should be implemented more broadly. However, clinical practice is busier than ever and many healthcare staff struggle to get their job done, let alone also implement a relatively new discipline such as patient safety. Implementation is further complicated by the fact that patient safety practices are often perceived as complex." "Therefore, Peter Lachman and colleagues (John Fitzsimons Jane Runnacles Anita Jayadev and John Brennan) have written a book on patient safety for busy practising clinicians, within the Oxford University Press Professional Practice series " "To use the authors’ words, they ‘aim to provide frontline clinicians with an easy-to-read reference work, and offer simple interventions’. " "Throughout the book, there is repeated emphasis that patient safety should be used to inspire clinicians for improvement, not to bring about punishment to clinical staff." "So, do the authors succeed in writing an easy-to- read reference work? Mostly yes. The clear build-up of the book helps with understanding the concepts and this approach really engages the reader. Some beautiful sentences inspire you to want to start changing things right away—my favourite was: ‘Genuine ownership of safety at the front line begins with a core belief that all patients deserve to be free of harm’. .... overall, I enjoyed reading it and would certainly recommend it to clinicians eager to learn more about patient safety." The book is available at or You can have a look at individual chapters at
Congratulations 🎉, Thanks for sharing
Looks great - will be ordering a copy.
It’s a fantastic resource.
Great testimonial, congratulations Peter Lachman John Brennan and John Fitzsimons and team
Dear Peter Lachman Congratulations, very proud to have meeting you, wish to have the opportunity to working with you.
As a fellow of healthcare quality, I found this very informative and practical. Thanks Peter and colleagues for this coming up with this handbook! God bless.
Great content from committed expert authors, led brilliantly by Peter Lachman!!
This was a truly insightful read and helped me a lot through my QI project assignment! Sincere thank you for providing us with this handy resource, Sir!
This pocket book guide gives a brief, yet useful overview of patient safety. I found it to be a helpful quick reference guide in my masters in Quality & Patient Safety Improvement University of Nottingham especially the chapter on complexity science and Safety ii which built on my knowledge of human factors in healthcare. It serves well as a starter for six on which knowledge and experience can be added. A great little guide as expected of Oxford Handbooks!