It's been a whirlwind of a first week, but I'm excited to share that I'm the new Director of Partnerships for the Santa Cruz Warriors! Thank you to Chris Murphy, David Kao, and the entire SC Warriors Leadership team for this opportunity. Let's get to work! Go, Sea Dubs! 🏀
California MBA's beautiful backdrop only highlighted the growing concerns of the California insurance crisis.
As Gloria Papa sat down to commiserate over the rough commute on Palos Verdes Dr S to get to the Terranea resort. We were dumfounded by the almost car-sized holes construction crews were quickly trying to fill, that made for a rather bumpy road. After a quick google search, I read that they spend almost $1M per year to maintain that stretch of road alone!!
Carmel Y. brought up that many of the homes in the area are unable to get insurance due to the continual erosion in the area. Thus sparked a conversation that has become one of the cornerstone questions of the California homeowner.
Can I get Homeowner's Insurance on my home?
We are all familiar with the California Fair Plan. (started the year I was born - I dare you to google that one!) While being (some unknown #😒) years old it has seen tremendous growth, doubling from 2019 to today, due to the increased rate of insurance companies exiting the California market. While it is still only a small percentage of all policies written, it is now a reality for many homeowners unable to attain insurance due to wildfire risk.
I would like to say the three of us came up with a great solution, we didn't... but it did make for an interesting conversation and highlighted another reason we all gather at the Western.
Aside from standing and chatting with pretty much every person you know in a small square area overlooking the ocean. We gather at the Western Secondary to raise funds for the California MBA to tackle these issues for our state's mortgage industry.
I want to give a huge shout of thanks from to Susan Milazzo and the teams of workers and volunteers that support the California MBA to represent and advocate before the California State Legislature on these relevant challenges that exist in our gorgeous state.
So, thank you.
...One drive through the treacherous potholes was enough for me and I left Terranea going north to circle back south to my home in San Diego... in the middle of Wildfire territory.
1st June makes 40 years since the third Sikh genocide of 1984. The most scared shrine of the Sikhs, Sri Darbar Sahib (aka Golden temple) along with at least 40 other gurudwaras in Punjab were simultaneously attacked by the Indian army.
Let's put this into context; imagine how Muslims would feel if there was a full scale army attack on Mecca or Catholics if there was such an attack on the Vatican church.
All foreign journalists were expelled from Punjab, telephone lines were cut and roads into and out of Punjab were blocked off effectively isolating Punjab from the rest of the world. One Indian journalist, Brahma Chaney, managed to stay within Punjab and reported witnessing Sikh men shot at point blank range by the Indian army with their hands tied behind their backs with their turbans.
Contrary to popular belief, Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale was not fighting for Khalistan (Independent Sikh homeland), he was actually fighting for the anandpour Sahib resolution which would have benefited all Punjabis regardless of religion. This political fight was portraited by the Indian media as being Sikhs vs Hindus which is simply not true.
India is a great country with unlimited potential (that's why the British used to call it the "jewel in crown of the British Empire"), however this genocide against Sikhs remains a black mark against post independent India and the window of opportunity to give Sikhs justice is closing very quickly. The world is watching India as it steps up to its rightful place as a world power; I just hope it will do the right thing for a community which has always defended India and made it strong.
#1984, #Sikhgenocide#neverforget1984
The journey of entrepreneurship gives you days where you feel like you have a “kick me” sign on your back, and then days where a client, like our rockstar Steve, sends you an unprompted video. Today is a good day!
Hey #Insurance - Let's triple this number! This podcast is much better than it has any right to be after only a few episodes. If you're in insurance you should subscribe to it. If you're a woman in insurance you simply cannot miss it. This is truly amazing content!
⚡ Get detailed information about Survivor Almeda's life, age and where she is from. Everything you want to know about Almeda's Survivor adventure, personal life and achievements is in this content...
Vcat n Magistrator CRTs registrars n members must spot on for the role intelgurity n honest in docs I will audits file and get your out off jobs by commissioner complains by doing wrong things o communities people
Some People working for the crt lie dishonest making up docs try to avoid with all payment recovery reason they are gready covid 19 coruptted scare n run away all cost cover up all coruption took grant said support communities damaging people búiensss make them feel ego happy about it let their own australian people lost everything so I said they done good for australian
suport earning APPS ranking
60k-120k/year n PM n mp 600-700k/year do nothing more value intelgurity not there -We dont trust crt syterm here anymore no affirmation while they all working aps role lie mean stop work under code n conducts
Director TCP INC Aus-Thiluong: Calming by listen music to health up stress Anti coruption file -Laws n order such garbage disposal trucks
Investigate case M11498306 magistrator crt Dandeong n Ringwood file
Vcat Mel internal staffs registrars BP29-2024 Audit file dishonest staffs wrap up paper
Written report dispute further about intelgurity vcat members registrars lie in docs Stop working there if you missed code n conducts working role APS complaint to commissioner
Mon action
SVP / CFO - St Mary's College
1moWell done Patrick! You will continue to do great things. Keep inspiring your team.