Are you in the UK payments industry, and do you suffer from "consultation fatigue"? If so, then you may wish to avoid yesterday's announcement from the Bank of England... After last year's Treasury consultation on the National Payments Vision, the BoE now wants payments pros to respond to another consultation on "innovation and money in payments" A lot of what's in this consultation has already been covered in the Treasury consultation and in last year's consultations on the digital pound Are you planning to respond to this one, or have you had enough of consultations for a while?
"The consultations will continue until we get the answers we wanted in the first place."
not so much 'consultation fatigue' its more of a 'consultation paradox' trying to figure out the overlaps with many other consultations from the Bank, great that they ask, but alot of effort to go through and then work out the difference it makes.
Patrick Tibke, perhaps if they keep asking enough, someone will find a use for a CBDC?
Account Director at Modulr – unlocking business opportunity with embedded payments
7moI really enjoy speaking to my wife but I fully expect to be ignored on most things...I still do it though.... I take the same approach with consultations.. 😉