Orano Canada is pleased to welcome Yann Baradello as the new General Manager at McClean Lake Operation (MLO). Yann comes to us with experience within Orano Mining, most recently as the General Manager of the Somair Mine and Mill operation in Niger, Africa. Prior to his time in Niger, Yann spent 5 years at Katco, the Orano mining site in Kazakhstan, as the Maintenance Manager. Between roles at Somair and Katco, Yann led the maintenance function for the mining group based out of the Paris office. Also pictured is former MLO General Manager, Dale Huffman, who will be continuing his role as Orano’s Vice President of Operations and Projects. Dale recently transferred the key to MLO to Yann, as is tradition when the General Manager role is passed on to new hands. This key has been passed from GM to GM since 1999, when the mill first began operations! . . . #Orano #OranoCanada #MineralExploration #Explore #Exploration #Uranium #NorthernSaskatchewan #Saskatchewan #McCleanLake #Mining #UraniumMining #MLO #GeneralManager #GM #ExploreSaskatchewan
Bravo Yann BARADELLO !!!!
Congratulations Yann BARADELLO and Orano Canada, sounds like a great addition to your team!
Congratulations to both Yann, and Dale! Identifying the key values to that success is an important part of the handoff. 🤝
Congratulations Yann from all of us at Structural Composites.
Well done!
Congratulations Yann.
Is this the real key of McClean Lake mill?
Félicitations Yann !
Congrats Yann & Dale !
Thank you everyone for your kind words and congratulations!