The Power of Small Actions I didn’t post anything on International Women’s Day as I didn’t want to post another cliched “Happy IWD” post that would be lost in the noise. On Saturday, I represented Zonta Club of Singapore at an event organised by ELPIS @ Hideout Pte Ltd. For the first hour or so, over 100 people gathered in a punch needle embroidery session to create a piece of art which will be displayed at Institute of Mental Health. We then hosted a fireside chat and a panel session for all the attendees. As I shared Zonta’s mission to "build a better world for women and girls," I reminded myself of something that is easy to forget. Real change often begins with small actions. • A mentoring conversation • A skill-sharing workshop • A community project • A simple word of encouragement Through Project Pari, Zonta Club of Singapore has seen the impact of these small actions. Since 2008, we've worked with secondary school girls from lower-income families, planting seeds of confidence and opportunity. One girl at a time. One story at a time. One changed life at a time. As many of them grow up and find success, they return to pay it forward. You don't need: • Extravagant events • Massive budgets • Viral campaigns You just need to show up and make a difference where you can. What’s one small action you could take today that might create a ripple effect tomorrow? If you would like to learn more about Zonta, please follow our page or contact me.
The "ripple effect" is very real and those small actions show up in those around you in ways you never expect
Great work there Nicki Soffe! Yes, the small daily actions are crucial to achievement of our goals! A one big event, day or month is not helpful. Is like saying I just need to exercise one day or month to a achieve my fitness goals.
Nicki Soffe this sounds like a really meaningful session you had. Love what you said about 'one changed life at a time'
what matters is what happen with the other 364 days Nicki Soffe . I'm keen to learn more about Zonta, will PM you
Leadership, Org Transformation and Impact | Advisor @ LinHart | Founder @ Accelevate | Developing the next generation of purpose-driven leaders
11hCongratulations on raising awareness for this important mission through your work with Zonta Nicki Soffe! Events and milestones are nice, but it is indeed what happens in the background when no one is watching that really move the needle, including in work and in life.