Neil Carpenter’s Post

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Orca Field CTO / Security Evangelist / Cloud Security / Shift-Left / Security Incident Responder

"Yesterday, I pointed out that the National Vulnerability Database has not only failed to perform one of its most important jobs – adding CPE names to all new CVE records, a process called “enrichment” – this year, but they put an exclamation point on that record during the last two weeks of the year (ending yesterday 12/30) when they only added 15 of the 1,181 CPEs they should have added during that period. This means that, during those two weeks, they were only operating at a rate of 1%, vs. 45% in the previous 50 weeks (even 45% is abysmal, but it’s 45 times better than 1%, if my math is correct)." (quoting Tom Alrich from the link below) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is there _any_ way that you could clearly, and continuously, communicate with the industry on how NVD is doing instead of leaving it to everybody to figure it out?

Et tu, CISA?

Et tu, CISA?

Tom Alrich

Leader of OWASP SBOM Forum and Vulnerability Database Working Group projects; consultant on NERC CIP compliance in the cloud and vulnerability management


This is a nice idea, Neil, but since the NVD staff members are all part of NIST, I don't think anything is going to change. The fact that the last notification they provided was in mid-November, related to a scheduled outage the next week, shows that communicating with the public just isn't their thing. For that matter, they have yet to give a coherent explanation of what happened on Feb. 12, and they keep pretending that about 3 months never happened and their backlog is much smaller than it is.


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