Thrilled to join the Mayor-elect’s team to help San Francisco realize its full potential as the City’s first Chief of Housing and Economic Development!
Congrats Ned! We need someone like you in this role and very excited to see what you do. We're in Jackson Sq area and I am happy to share that it is buzzing, we love working in this part of downtown - there are a lot of issues (of course) but I think it is not as bleak as sometimes portrayed.
incredibly happy and not surprised to see you leading such an important venture - if anyone can turn things around it is you! 💙
I am super excited to watch you and the new team bring out the best in the city we love!
Congratulations Ned Segal I can’t imagine anyone better suited to tackling tough problems in our beloved San Francisco. I wish you every continued success and am excited for the folks who will work with you as you bring your characteristic integrity, hard work, intelligence and kindness to all that you do. 💚
What's your position on rent control as it relates to scarcity/shortage of housing?
Exciting possibilities. “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” Wishing you the best of sucess.
Congrats Ned Segal. Article failed to mention your regional victory as an SFLL parent/cheerleader. Seriously though, as a downtown resident I now have renewed hope for the future of our very special city.
Ned I couldn’t be MORE proud! Congrats!!!!
Will come down to zoning reform and removing San Francisco's gratuitous discretionary reviews.
Managing Partner at WestCap
2moNed / it is amazing that a leader with your background, experience and energy can give back to the city at a critical time from a seat where you can make real change. True service for the benefit of others. I know I speak for many San Franciscans who have been hoping for practical and effective policies on housing and development vs more noisy politics and politicians. In a city renowned for innovation we need to show we can take care of our fellow citizens and provide housing and options for many, not just a few. We are all here to help. Bravo, L.T.