The summer of 2023 changed young engineer Ryan Morrissey’s life. An 8-week stint in the Patch youth accelerator, where he co-founded Induct (the latest startup in NDRC Accelerator 2025 intake), sparked an entrepreneurial passion to build. Two years later, Ryan is fully immersed in software at UL’s prestigious Immersive Software Engineering course, building a new startup idea Kepri Solar, which he hacked at a recent NDRC Startup Sprint (and took home first prize for!), and is now validating on the NDRC Pre-Accelerator. How did he get here? Ryan calls the #StartupSprint a “game-changer” where his cofounders got first-hand structure, guidance, and mentors who “gave us the belief that we were on the right track.” Have you a startup idea brewing? Join the Startup Sprint in Limerick’s Engine Hubs this March 29th with RDI Hub. Learn more:
Well done Ryan! John Denny Gillian Place
Congrats Ryan!
Let's go Ryan
Ryan is the 🐐!
Best of luck Ryan!
We're all really excited to push this idea to market during the pre-accelerator!