Recharging in your burrow after consecutive days of social interaction… Find the pika! That’s a rock. Hint, it’s next to the rock. Remember, staying home is doing something, and managing your energy is a favor to yourself and everyone around you. Pika (Ochotona princeps) are particularly good at recharging their social batteries. They love a rocky slope and will often choose a burrow in the crack between rocks. In addition to providing protection from predators, Mondays, and work emails, these burrows serve as a winter food pantry. During the summer, the pika collect leaves and grasses and fill up the space. Come winter, they have plenty of snacks to pika chew on. Rock on. Image: A pika sits amongst various rocks at Mount Rainier National Park. NPS/E. Brouwer
"Pika chew" I see what you did there.
The secret origin of Pikachu is revealed!
I wish you protection from state predators 🙏👍
See and hear Grand Canyon Fatality Forecast Briefing which may have come true (with working links). Exhibit L before the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals captures precisely the NPS Grand Canyon National Park safety and leadership culture as an incomparable case study. Updates to the case study will be continually added to the Not So Grand LinkedIn group page The Task & Purpose is that no one has to ever give a Fatality Forecast Briefing. Notable links: Actual helicopter accident footage pages 36, 37, 86. Exhibit L: Audio of formal notification of data predicting a fatality Yes, an excavation plan calling for D-ringing someone to an excavator and snatching them out of the unprotected trench in case of a cave-in was seriously floated. (00:09:55) There was no investigation conducted by the Department of the Interior nor National Park Service for either aircraft accident I was ordered not to investigate the helicopter accidents. So, I hiked 11 miles (5.5 one way) into the Grand Canyon to Indian Gardens water pumping station to conduct my own investigation on my weekend off Thank You to the workers who came forward for this Very Sincerely Swede
Take up space in our National Parks. These lands are not for the greedy but for the collective reprieve. Shop the local camp store on the way, and support the artists on your trip! Bring a friend, or two! Sign in on visitors' Logs. Be a steward of the land by showing up for her and standing with her.
We love you, National Park Service! Keep your heads up! 🙏🏼💕 Thanks to ALL of you—probationary or not— who have been taking care of our parks!
Love you and the work you do National Park Service!!!
Senior Project Manager at Baldwin & Sons
6dGlad to see whoever at the NPS that handles their social media presence is still employed. You're a bright star that we need right now.