Don’t miss this opportunity. Round 4 of our Reguonal Infrastructure Accelerator grants! This is one of our best capacity building grants. Not only $10 million with no match requirments is available to grab, you will also get direct access to our experts and your peers. Let’s accelerate good projects and deliver them more efficiently and cost-effectively. #infrastructure #accelerator #innovativeprojectdelivery #innovativesolutions #projectfinance
Exciting News! Please share with your network and potential applicants. Today, the Bureau issued a notice of funding announcement for the Regional Infrastructure Accelerator program for up to $10 million in no-match grants. Check out American Planning Association National Association of Counties AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) National Association of Regional Councils American Public Transportation Association Association Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) National League of Cities National Governors Association Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) National Conference of State Legislatures United States Conference of Mayors COMTO National Office Mpact Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration U.S. Department of Transportation Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) Build America Center Accelerator for America AIAI - The Association for the Improvement of American Infrastructure Commercial Law Development Program Partnerships Bulletin Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Northeast Corridor Commission Association of American Railroads National Association of Development Organizations (NADO)