Change doesn’t happen over night. It requires strategic planning, capacity building, execution and persistence. Our #Regional #Infrastructure #Accelerator program is not just about the initial funding. It also gives you access to Bureau’s experts, industry peers, best practices, lessons learned and much more. Don’t miss this opportunity to build a foundation. Early stage capacity building to consider innovative funding, financing and delivery solutions can deliver good projects more efficiently and cost-effectively. It’s good governance and a great way to invest taxpayers money. #buildamericabureau #usdot #innovativesolutions #transportation
Great news! $10 million in no-match grants are available through the Regional Infrastructure Accelerator program - check out the notice of funding opportunity: Register for the webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 13 from 2 - 3:30 p.m. ET: Learn about application criteria and how your regional projects could get a big boost to move forward. Please contact [email protected] to make an accommodation request.
Global Projects Partner at Squire Patton Boggs
4moAmen and then some!