If you’re a designer or dev looking for your next role, skip the traditional resume or portfolio—build a “fake” startup instead. It shifts the narrative... From: 👎 “I need a job, please hire me.” To: 👍 “I'm already solving the same problems you are—let’s tackle them together.” Show, don’t tell. The hustle makes all the difference.
Do this long enough and you won't need a job anymore
I love this. It's exactly the same mentality as the bedroom DJ who can't get a booking, and so they throw a party, open a club, or organize a festival instead. DO THE THING!
I'm glad someone made a post about this. I tell my mentees this all the time. If you're a designer in a bootcamp, make connections with devs who are at the same bootcamp getting their full stack certification and build something together.
I'll help contribute to this ;) https://v0.dev or https://bolt.new/ Hope you been doing well Mike :) I'm hardly on LinkedIn but I'll drop by every once in awhile to see how you're doing.
It does not have to be fake it's just pre-investment 😆
Love this! Don’t wait for something to happen. Make something happen.
Already started doing this so I'm glad you said it. Or it might turn out to be a real startup instead 😂
Mike Dick , I agree with the show and tell and the hustle. Struggling with the fake part. Everything is real and hard earned in skills and insights and relevant to what comes next. My work has radically articled how I think about what work brings me joy and how I see myself growing and where I want to help. https://flexinsightiq.com/why-build-a-platform/
B2B Product Manager 🕵️♂️ | "Right often, fast always."
3dCould agree more. That’s why I built jobs-crm.com.