Why geographic restrictions are bad for CHCs

View profile for Michael Burkhold

Health Tech Founder | Board Member | Optimist | Lover of God, Family and Country in that order. Opinions are my own and subject to change as I learn more.

Reason #1 why geographic restrictions are bad policy for #340B contract pharmacies. Reduced Access - It is common for patients established at a CHC to have physical and geographic access challenges. CHCs often rely on mail-order or home delivery pharmacies to fill these gaps and ensure patients have access to care. Local Pharmacies and even CHC owned pharmacies are often prohibited by payors from mailing prescriptions. This leaves no option but to contract with a select few nationally recognized home delivery pharmacies to ensure CHC patients have access to their medications. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSAgov), HHS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) PhRMA #340B #CoveredEntities Advocates for Community Health

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