I release your Old ⛔️ Negative Emotions causing your blocks and resistance to attract ideal prospects, clients, referrals, sales, and money. Releasing these emotions assists the Law of Attraction manifestation process.
This is episode number one of the business owners releasing negative emotion series and each episode I work with the business owner and we have a quick chat to find out what area of their business isn't the way they want it to be. Is it sales or money or customers or clients or you tell me. Stay tuned. I'm going to be introducing our guest shortly. My name is Michael Logie and I release negative emotions on your behalf. I've worked with over 17. Under clients and 26 or 1700 clients is 16 countries and today's topic I'm gonna be helping my guess. Found her value around charge and she's independent and charging and I don't think she's alone and that's what stay tuned. If you think that should end. The timer is on. Where is the timer? The timer is on in 15 minutes. I'm going to uncover what Heidi's challenges. I'm going to identify their release emotions that look like these little ******* and I want to delete it. So we are about to get started at 13 minutes, 58 seconds. Heidi, say hello and introduce yourself to our friends. Hi, everyone. I'm Heidi Dunston, super excited to be here with you today. Michael, thanks for having me. And tell us about your business. So I have two businesses. One, I'm an event manager, so I manage online and in person events and support people around that. And my other one is I'm a speaker and author and I teach people what to say and not say to somebody who's grieving so we don't lose the legacies of those we've lost. So when you're busy, you've got two areas that you could be drawing money from. You know, if you are new to me, some of you might recognize me as being the author of Law Attraction. So I just want to. Quickly talk about and compare to your business. This faucet, you know, and for example, we're only allowing one drop of water, but boy, there's a lot more available. What's stopping and blocking it? This negative red symbol. Negative symbol. It's a double negative vibes, trapped emotions or what kind of blocks. So today I'm going to be able to release. I'm going to be able to release Heidi's all trapped emotions. And what's going to happen is that faucets going to loosen and when the when the handle loosens, guess what? She will be able to allow more and what it is and I'm releasing these. These are baseball size old unprocessed emotions. What does that mean? Well, maybe there was a time. The business where your networking, not you, it's one of our friends was networking with somebody and they tipped you off and you left so angry and embarrassed. You never told anybody. So now your subconscious mind says, oh, you know the file folder called when I'm networking. So your subconscious mind opens a file folder called when I'm networking and one pops out of it. I'm old unprocessed emotion of rejection and peeved. So now we're bringing that to the next meeting my job today. I want to find out where Heidi needs today and want to go to that file folder and I'm going to pull out and delete the exact emotions or causing that problem. Now today, this is one of the sessions that comes with my business owners package. If you look below releasingnegativeemotions.com business, there's 100 areas that I worked on today. I'm taking one of those. So Heidi, tell me a little bit more about the challenge you were telling me earlier about kind of asking or raising your price or anything around that. How would you word that? I think there's a couple of things. One, it's when I have new people, I need to be charging more money but also raising my rates. For my previous or my current clients that have been with me for a long time and and what that looks like and and being comfortable with it, I'm I struggle with the ask. I want to find out what that is. And my hunch is after 11 minutes and three seconds, you were gonna change your mind about doing that again. The goal today is to cover, uncover all of this in 15 minutes. And for those of you that want to have your own experience, you know what to do. Check out the link below. So today I'm going to become a Heidi's proxy. What does that mean? It means I'm going to do this on her behalf. Why? Because it's what I do. I do this on people for half. And what is this that I'm talking about? Well, I have a unique ability. To connect with people one-on-one and I can ask their subconscious mind questions and get yes or no answers. For example, when I locked my fingers together, that's a yes, that's a no, that's a yes, that's a no. It's called muscle testing. And when I connect to Heidi, that's called the proxy part, her subconscious mind going to tell my brain and fingers, that's a yes, that's a no, that's a yes, that's a no. Subconscious mind. Brilliant knows everything and it actually knows what what unprocessed emotions are in the file folder when Heidi wants to raise her fees or feel like she's getting overpaid or paid what she's we're going to find out at all. So. I'm going to begin the process already and right now I am scanning and I'm just doing my little process right now to connect with Heidi. It's almost like I'm dying. Hey, for those of you who don't remember AOL, remember it's going I'm doing that right now and I'm going to test my results and my Michael O'Hara. Yes. Am I Heidi? I'm not. I'm just connecting with Heidi. She's with me right now. I have permission. I'm doing the scan. There we go. Am I Michael? No, I'm I'm Heidi at 9 minutes and. 25 seconds I'm now connected with Heidi. We're not even in the same part of the world. I'm on Gilligan's Island, Victoria on the West Coast of Canada. I get clients in 17 countries. You don't need to be here. So right now am I connected to Michael lose am I connected to Heidi Yes. So my subconscious mind Michael vouchers using the expression a file folder and I want to go back to well first, what is the severity of my resistance to freely ask for what I'm worth and be able to say it with ease. On a scale of one to 10, what does the severity of the discomfort and resistance to do that isn't zero? No, he wouldn't have said it right? Is it 1234567891010? Is it 910? Is it 8910? So again, how do you subconscious mind is answering the yes or no questions And it said the file folder called how severe is me not asking for what I'm worth and raising my prices is a 10 out of 10. Is this correct? Yes. And, umm. How many trapped emotions are causing this? How many all the motions from old events are stopping this behavior at 8 minutes, 13 seconds. Is there over one? There is. Is there over two? It's not over two, and it's not under two. What is it, Captain Obvious? It's too it's not over 2, not under 2. There's two. And did both of these emotions happen at the same time? Yes. So how do you subconscious mind is telling me there was an old event? Or two emotions got stored. Why? Because it meant she had an experience and you probably didn't tell anybody or go dear diary or get stopped. We held them in These are held in emotions. Guess what? They don't go very far. So now with my yes or no questioning, what two emotions do I still have every time it comes to raise my prices and tell my current clients and and and next project is just freely and easily raise my prices significantly. What to Well, when did this event happen at 7:00? Minutes and I have time to do that. Did this happen in 2024? What was it before 2024? Was it before 20/20/2019? 2018? Was it January, February, March, April 12345? April 5/20/19? There's a file folder called April 5, 2019 where I had an experience where two of these baseball sized emotions got lodged and I still have them. Yes that is true. Is it 3? Is it? Is it true? Is it three? Is it 2? And are they on the blue chart? They are. It's the first one in column A, Yes. Is it row one? See how they're in rows? Is it in row one? No. Is it in row two? Is it in? It's row 3. And I'll read the words in a row. 3 isn't crying. No. Is it discouragement? No. Isn't rejection? What's the answer? Yes. Is it sad? Is it rejection? So now there's an old unprocessed emotion on the file folder called raise your prices and that file motion keeps popping up. It says you're going to get rejected. Hashtag not anymore. So the rule is I got to identify the emotion by name. It's rejected. Now I have a magnet, just any kind of magnet. And because I'm connected to Heidi, I don't want to take it on. Imagine there's an entry point. I'm releasing this emotion of rejected that pops up every time I think about. Raising my prices. How many mochos now are left? 54321? OK, Is it on the is it column A or B? Is it B? 123456 is it's B61. Let's read it out loud. It is prize. That makes sense, right? It's a lot of pride to say I'd like money. I'd like more money. I'm worthy of more money. I'm releasing this energy of pride. Sometimes it means her pride. And pride comes up a lot when people need to ask for money or raise their prices or. At 5 minutes and 21 seconds, I was able to connect with Heidi subconscious mind, ask hundreds of yes or no questions, many you didn't hear me ask, and uncover the two emotions tucked inside the file folder called I'm about to ask for a raise. And now before today, that negative charge about raising my prices was 8910 now. We're going to do another check. Is it 109876543210? That's fine myself. Is it OK for me to take a part of paper and just plant plot and plan out my new rates? Is that OK? Yes. Is it safe? Yes. Am I worthy? Yes. Do I believe it? Yes. Is that OK before? It wasn't OK before today. It wasn't safe before today. It wasn't worthy before today. But I am now yes. And as I'm thinking about the new rates and, and I'm now I'm crafting the the, the announcement to my clients about my new rates and my increased skill set because you've got the skills like that, everybody. All that. Here's some protocol. I'm releasing this low self esteem that's stopping me from esteeming myself, saying I'm worth these new rates. I'm good at this and I'm good at that and I've got this skill set and this skill set. I'm releasing any low self esteem stopping me from esteeming myself. Next, I'm releasing this self abuse. What does that mean? I'm beating myself up with words, the cutters and the waters and the shoulders and the blah blah blah. Releasing self abuse. And the last one, I'm releasing this creative insecurity and this is insecurity that arises because I'm about to step up, move forward, raise my prices, communicate nicely to my existing clients and hear their praise. Some of them might say finally. As I'm hearing about this new approach, are there any unprocessed emotions that need to be removed so I can do this freely and easily in 3 minutes and 25 seconds? Is there something else there is? Is it under 5432? Under two? Under 1 / 1 one? Is it on the blue sheet? Is it column A? Is it column B? Is it B 12341? Is it panic? I'm releasing a little panic hitting panic. Now, is it OK for me to hold the energy to calculate in my head what my new value price is and actually raise what I thought I was gonna do and then draft and form an e-mail announcement? Don't have to send it today, just create it and then say new clients. This is the new rate. As I'm hearing about this approach, what prop, What unprocessed tropical motors are popping up that would stop this from happening? Under 5432, under 10? Am I done? Yes. OK. I'm just reconnecting with micronutrient. Just reconnecting. Not am I, Michael? Yes. Am I hiding now? Hardy, give me a minute of what made sense, what feels different. Anything you'd like to add to that? Go ahead, please. Yeah, I don't remember the event in 2019, but I know 2019 came with a lot of lots of emotions just as it was the recent passing of of my husband and. But I definitely the the feelings of rejection and the feelings of, of panic were definitely ones that were part of that for sure, right. So now, even today to think about you letting your existing clients know, tell me about how influence around that or what are your thoughts about that? It actually gives me a lot more pride in the work that I do because I do come with such a unique skill set that like, it's like this is what I'm worth And and you know, I know that they know that and. Umm, I'm excited. Hey, listen, if you're listening in and you think that you're not charging what you're worth and haven't raised your price for a really long time, I'm imagine that's one. Of the 100 releasing negative emotion sessions just for you and your business. It's a 325 minute session package real quickly because I have one minute 13 seconds. Here's what I cover all your beliefs and limitations about sales, having sales going past your limiting beliefs going past your ceilings. How about attracting ideal prospects, the ideal ones, the ones that sign up and buy from you. How about your ideal customer, existing customer and client? How about your old and active customer and client? And what about. Referrals. What if you had a brand new vibe all about that? And everything that we're talking today is why we want to know. It is because of this, Heidi, say it when you see it. I get what I vibrate, and if you're curious about what your vibration is and your business, take a look and see what you're getting. It's a perfect match. Let me change your vibration about what you're sending so you can get better results. I think we did it. You're leaving with a new vibration at 22 seconds into the call. Thanks for hanging out with me today. Thanks, Michael. Have a great day. See you later, everybody.
I release your Old ⛔️ Negative Emotions causing your blocks and resistance to attract ideal prospects, clients, referrals, sales, and money. Releasing these emotions assists the Law of Attraction manifestation process.
I release your Old ⛔️ Negative Emotions causing your blocks and resistance to attract ideal prospects, clients, referrals, sales, and money. Releasing these emotions assists the Law of Attraction manifestation process.
Ever thought more money would give you more time? Think again!
I'll shatter the myth: "When I have more money, I'll make more time." It's the other way around. You will be able to discover how finding just three clients at £85 per day can make £100k within reach. Intrigued?
Stay tuned for the final episode, dropping in just 3 days and transforming your approach to time and money forever!
Starting a business is like raising a child—you don’t bring it into the world thinking it’ll stay small and stagnant. You feed it, nurture it, and set it up to grow into something meaningful.
So if you’re going to start, why not do it right from the beginning? Believe in what you’re building. See the opportunity in front of you. Treat your business like the legacy it’s meant to be—whether it’s something you sell, pass on, or use to fuel your lifestyle for years to come.
💡 If you’re ready to think big and start smart, you can hear the episode with Antonella Colella here - https://lnkd.in/euPNFHu9
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What if I told you that one decision could mean the difference between saving your business or losing it all – including your family home? 😱
Aussie business legends, the latest episode of APICKLE TV is NOW LIVE:
🎥 “This One Mistake Could Cost You Your Business – Don’t Let ATO Debts Win”
In this must-watch video, I’ll reveal:
✅ The critical mistake directors make when dealing with ATO debts.
✅ How to avoid falling into the liquidation trap.
✅ The exact steps to rescue your business and regain control.
👉 Don’t miss out! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel @apicklepete and click the bell 🔔 so you’ll never miss an episode.
💡 Are you or your clients facing tough times?
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Not all stories are worth telling.
But I'll give you the framework I use to help me tell good ones ⬇️
Intention and obstacle.
I learned this one from Aaron Sorkin.
He wrote A Few Good Men, The West Wing, The Social Network, many others.
I use this framework in my own screenplays, episodes for Adam Robinson's Billion Dollar Challenge, and other LinkedIn narrative work.
Thinking about the intention and obstacle helps me bring the transformation into focus.
And it's the transformation that matters most when you're telling a good story.
Here's an example:
In Episode 4 of the Billion Dollar Challenge (I'll link it in the comments below), Adam goes West for a huge speaking gig and an executive offsite.
Both of which he's super stoked about.
His intention was to be away from home for only 4 days. (He hates to travel.)
The obstacle is that his co-founder, Diana Ross, gets sick and isn't able to speak at the gig she was booked for that week, which means Adam is on the hook.
And it requires him to stay an extra two days.
May not seem like a lot for a lot of people, but for someone who hates to travel, it's a grind.
The transformation for this episode is a massive high from Adam's speaking gig and super productive executive offsite, to a massive low due to this change in schedule.
Something I'm sure a lot of people can relate to.
The intention: travel for 4 days
Obstacle: an unexpected change in plans
Transformation: high to low
The last part of this is the resolution.
What does one learn from the intention/obstacle/transformation?
I won't give it away, but you can watch it on Adam's YouTube.
Link in the comments.
🎙️What David is Listening To 🎙️
Early To Rise Radio hosted by Craig Ballantyne
Craig’s content is always fantastic, but today I want to spotlight episode 375: “Middle Class Habits That Are Keeping You Broke.”
Craig illuminates everyday habits that might be silently undermining your potential.
His breakdown of these habits, combined with personal stories and insights, is eye-opening.
Here are the seven habits Craig covers:
🔹 Making decisions fast
🔹 Procrastination
🔹 Snoozing
🔹 Alcohol – boozing
🔹 Binging – Netflix, food
🔹 Complaining/gossiping – or being around those who do
🔹 Thinking too small
Craig’s quote that really stuck with me: “Small minds talk about people. Big minds talk about big ideas.”
If you're looking to challenge your current habits and push for personal and financial growth, this episode is a must-listen.
Break free from these middle-class habits and unlock your full potential!
Have you listened to this episode or any others from Early to Rise Radio? Drop your thoughts or favorite episodes in the comments below! 👇
You dive into a new business, but those old setbacks you never dealt with start creeping into everything. Sound familiar?
It’s not always obvious, but sometimes, it's those repressed memories coming back. In therapy, the goal is not just to fix what’s broken.
Think about it – could something from your past be affecting your business now?
Drop a comment and let us know how you deal with hidden emotions.
And if this resonates with you, make sure to catch the full episode: https://lnkd.in/ghCJebie
I release your Old ⛔️ Negative Emotions causing your blocks and resistance to attract ideal prospects, clients, referrals, sales, and money. Releasing these emotions assists the Law of Attraction manifestation process.
8moI've send you an invite to be a guest. Check your DM Mike Tomasello Julie Drost Lokun , JD 🌟Brian Keltner🌟🌟Cynthia Fontaineine Caroline Masters Paul Brent