Health Affairs: VBC participation and value-based care

View profile for Michael Ceballos

Value-based Care Consultant l Medicare l Medicaid l Health Center l Provider

Some keen findings from this well researched Health Affairs: 1) "... the types of payment models and types of employing organizations are determining factors in VBC participation. The factors influencing the intensity of participation align with those affecting the extent of participation: those most likely to participate tend to do so across multiple models." --> If you're looking to grow your value-based network, best to look for current value-based providers and look to add them to a new model. 2) Specialists are no where meaningfully engaged in value-based care, "Policymakers have numerous opportunities to better engage specialists in a true team-based care approach". --> This concurs with where venture capital has been looking to place investment, the opportunity and need to grow specialist enablement. 3) OB/Gyn are the specialists most associated with capitated payments, "Obstetricians/gynecologists showed a higher likelihood of participating in capitation, which promotes coordinated care. This is consistent with payment schemes for obstetricians/gynecologists" --> Pregnancy as an episode, is likely still the easiest bundle for payers and provider to contract.

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