Lambda World Conference returned this year after a prolonged pause because of the pandemic. Here is the report on my attendance to the best functional programming conference this side of the universe. Free personal thoughts included. #lambdaworld #functionalprogramming #apl #erlang #elixir #effectsystem
Massimiliano Pagani’s Post
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Tomorrow, I am attending the #GOTOEDADay London for the conference dedicated to serverless and event-driven architecture. That's a great chance to speak about my tips for visiting industry conferences. Be well-prepared. Check the agenda and plan the topics, speakers, and workshops. I recommend creating a note on the phone to let me know your agenda in case there is no dedicated application. Also, it is worth checking lunch options, coffee, and snacks. Having a protein bar or nuts/trail mix with you is worth it. I often was in a trap of overindulging myself with coffee and sweets. I think they give energy, but for only a couple of hours. Socialise. I think meeting people is one of the main reasons I go to conferences. You can learn so many things while chatting with peers. Try to strike up a conversation by discussing the conference. Also, exchanging requests on LinkedIn is crucial after the talk. Another point: choose the conference by the speakers or the domain you are learning. My first conference was about java at the point where I have been just studying the programming. It was inspiring and showed me that I can already understand the content of many presentations. Do you have any tips for future conference-goers? #conference #networking #awscommunity
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🚀 LeetCode Day 4 Challenge: Find the Kth Node from the End of a Linked List 🚀 🔍 Code Overview: In today’s challenge, we tackle the problem of finding the Kth node from the end of a singly linked list. The C++ code snippet below uses the two-pointer technique to achieve this efficiently. 🔧 How It Works: -The asterisk (*) in the function name ListNode* getKthFromEnd(ListNode* head, int k) is used to indicate that the function returns a pointer to a ListNode object. -Two-pointer technique:We move the fast_ptr k steps ahead first, then move both slow_ptr and fast_ptr one step at a time until fast_ptr reaches the end. At this point, slow_ptr will be at the Kth node from the end. -Time Complexity: O(n) We traverse the list only once, making it a linear time operation. -Space Complexity: O(1) The solution uses constant space, as no additional data structures are used. This approach is an optimal and memory-efficient way to find the Kth node from the end in a linked list! 💡 👉 Find Source Code Here: #LeetCode #CodingChallenge #LinkedList #Algorithm #CPP #Day4 #ProblemSolving #TwoPointerTechnique #Efficiency #ProgrammingTips #TechSkills #CPlusPlus #C #hackathon #CompetitveProgramming #DevSinc #Google #Microsoft #FAANG #openforwork #linkedIn #connect
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Over the weekend, I took part in the ICFPC2024 competition in the codingteam team and took 37th place. Overall, not bad :) This time we were asked to interact with the galaxy in galactic functional language. Thanks to my teammates who made this task much easier once we had to parse more than just strings/numbers. Then several puzzles opened up. The first task was a lambdaman. Here, one needed to control lambdaman in maze to eat all pills. However, this control could be done with galactic functional language and the score was related to shortest POST request, not shortest way. The second is about a spaceship traveling between the stars. I spent most of my time solving these problems, generally trying to implement some quick algorithms instead of the normal graph traversal, and it worked well. By sorting the points on the 2D plane and walking between them, I managed to get to 43rd place in these problems. An attempt to apply cluster analysis for better sorting of points did not lead to a significant improvement in the results, alas 🙁 And this procedure took a lot of time. Although the paths themselves were built very quickly along the already laid trajectory. Third, it was necessary to write a set of programs according to certain conditions in a 3D time-travel-oriented programming language. Quite a cool esoteric language in its essence. `@gsomix` solving these problems well :) The fourth is to understand what was encoded in the obfuscated and significantly slowed down lambda expression. Or to reduce it to the ability to solve, solve and send the answer. It turned out to be too complicated and incomprehensible for me. Although it's inherently cool. Competition website: Problems, assessment system, best solutions: Our solutions: Report from @fvnever, my teammate: #icfpc2024 #codingteam
ICFP Contest 2024
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🚀 Tech conferences like London Tech Week and the UK Python Conference are more than just events; they’re hubs for networking, learning, and growth. 💡 For software developers, these events offer the chance to: 🔹 Gain new insights and skills 🔹 Connect with like-minded professionals 🔹 Explore innovations shaping the future Are you attending a tech conference this year? Share your thoughts below! #TechEvents #NetworkingOpportunities #SoftwareDevelopment #LondonTechWeek #PythonConference #TechCommunity
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This summer I took the opportunity from Bright Network on their Couch to Coder course which spanned across four weeks. I want to extend my gratitude to Bright Network for providing this valuable course and to Zsolt Podoba-Szalai, for making these online videos enjoyable and easy to follow. While web development might not seem directly related to my field, I've discovered valuable skills that can enhance my understanding of economic tools and prepare me for my future in finance. Just to give a basic rundown on what I learned; I started with understanding the basic HTML skeleton and explored form elements through Visual Studio Code. I dedicated a week to learning CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, a language that controls the appearance and layout of a website. During this time, I explored styling, box models, selectors, and Flexbox. I also received a brief introduction to JavaScript, which focuses on creating dynamic web applications and gave me a newfound respect for those who use this language. And finally insight on working with GitHub, an essential place for those who code. Although web development might seem like a detour from my studies, I believe the skills I've acquired are highly transferable. Just like coding, proficiency in tools like Python, Excel, and statistical analysis software is essential in today’s data-driven economy. This course has sharpened my analytical skills and problem-solving abilities, which may improve my capacity to analyse economic trends and interpret financial data. In my previous post, I shared my belief that AI is increasingly transforming many industries, including finance. I firmly believe coding will be a crucial skill in this evolution, so gaining insight into web development can equip me with valuable technical skills that will pave the way for a smoother transition into coding for finance-related tools. I’m excited to see how these skills will intersect with my career in economics and finance, and I look forward to further exploring this new area of interest! #WebDevelopment #HTML5 #CSS #JavaScript #GitHub #Economics #Finance #AI
I've successfully completed Bright Network Technology Academy Couch to Coder 2024
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By leveraging these in-demand programming skills and emerging technologies, your business can navigate the competitive tech landscape and drive innovation. #SoftwareDevelopment #EmergingTechnologies #TechTrends #DigitalTransformation #SoftwareCraft
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📌 Day 79: February 01, 2025 || Task Completed: Today, I took a step further in my exploration of the "Word Search" problem by implementing additional test cases that not only challenge the algorithm but also validate its robustness. I focused on edge cases such as arrays with negative numbers, zeros, and varying lengths, ensuring that my solution handles all scenarios gracefully. Problem :- Word Search Time & Space Complexity: Time Complexity: O(n×m×4^L). Space Complexity: O(n * m). By introducing these test cases, I was able to uncover subtle bugs that could have led to incorrect outputs. This iterative process of testing and refining has not only improved the reliability of my code but also deepened my understanding of how different inputs can affect algorithm behavior. I also took the time to document my findings and the rationale behind each test case. This documentation will serve as a valuable resource for future reference, and it’s a great way to solidify my learning. Sharing these insights with my peers has sparked engaging discussions, allowing us to learn from one another's experiences and approaches. As I continue on this coding journey, I’m reminded of the importance of perseverance and curiosity. Each line of code is a step toward mastery, and I’m excited to tackle even more challenging problems ahead. Here’s to the thrill of discovery and the joy of coding! 🚀💪 #ProblemSolving 💡 #cpp 🖥 #GFG79-160DaysChallenge📍 #GFG32/365DayChallenge&CodingJourney2025 🎈 GeeksforGeeks 🎓 Sandeep Jain🔷 #GeeksForGeeks2025📅 #DSA 📊 #DataStructuresAndAlgorithms 📂 #ProblemSolvingSkills 🏆 #CodingChallenge 💪 #CodingJourney 🌍 #ProgressNotPerfection 📈 #HappyRepublicDay2025 🇮🇳🇮
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📌 Day 57: January 10, 2025 || Task Completed: Today, I took a step further in my exploration of the "Count distinct elements in every window " problem by implementing additional test cases that not only challenge the algorithm but also validate its robustness. I focused on edge cases such as arrays with negative numbers, zeros, and varying lengths, ensuring that my solution handles all scenarios gracefully. Complexity: Time Complexity: O(n). Space Complexity: O(n). By introducing these test cases, I was able to uncover subtle bugs that could have led to incorrect outputs. This iterative process of testing and refining has not only improved the reliability of my code but also deepened my understanding of how different inputs can affect algorithm behavior. I also took the time to document my findings and the rationale behind each test case. This documentation will serve as a valuable resource for future reference, and it’s a great way to solidify my learning. Sharing these insights with my peers has sparked engaging discussions, allowing us to learn from one another's experiences and approaches. As I continue on this coding journey, I’m reminded of the importance of perseverance and curiosity. Each line of code is a step toward mastery, and I’m excited to tackle even more challenging problems ahead. Here’s to the thrill of discovery and the joy of coding! 🚀💪 #ProblemSolving 💡 #cpp 🖥 #GFG57-160DaysChallenge📍 #GFG10/365DayChallenge & CodingJourney2025 🎈 GeeksforGeeks 🎓 Sandeep Jain🔷 #GeeksForGeeks2025📅 #DSA 📊 #DataStructuresAndAlgorithms 📂 #ProblemSolvingSkills 🏆 #CodingChallenge 💪 #CodingJourney 🌍 #ProgressNotPerfection 📈
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📌 Day 74: January 27, 2025 || Task Completed: Today, I took a step further in my exploration of the "LRU Cache" problem by implementing additional test cases that not only challenge the algorithm but also validate its robustness. I focused on edge cases such as arrays with negative numbers, zeros, and varying lengths, ensuring that my solution handles all scenarios gracefully. Time & Space Complexity: Time Complexity: O(1). Space Complexity: O(1). By introducing these test cases, I was able to uncover subtle bugs that could have led to incorrect outputs. This iterative process of testing and refining has not only improved the reliability of my code but also deepened my understanding of how different inputs can affect algorithm behavior. I also took the time to document my findings and the rationale behind each test case. This documentation will serve as a valuable resource for future reference, and it’s a great way to solidify my learning. Sharing these insights with my peers has sparked engaging discussions, allowing us to learn from one another's experiences and approaches. As I continue on this coding journey, I’m reminded of the importance of perseverance and curiosity. Each line of code is a step toward mastery, and I’m excited to tackle even more challenging problems ahead. Here’s to the thrill of discovery and the joy of coding! 🚀💪 #ProblemSolving 💡 #cpp 🖥 #GFG74-160DaysChallenge📍 #GFG27/365DayChallenge&CodingJourney2025 🎈 GeeksforGeeks 🎓 Sandeep Jain🔷 #GeeksForGeeks2025📅 #DSA 📊 #DataStructuresAndAlgorithms 📂 #ProblemSolvingSkills 🏆 #CodingChallenge 💪 #CodingJourney 🌍 #ProgressNotPerfection 📈 #HappyRepublicDay2025 🇮🇳🇮
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📌 Day 62: January 15, 2025 || Task Completed: Today, I took a step further in my exploration of the "Minimize XOR" problem by implementing additional test cases that not only challenge the algorithm but also validate its robustness. I focused on edge cases such as arrays with negative numbers, zeros, and varying lengths, ensuring that my solution handles all scenarios gracefully. Complexity: Time Complexity: O(N). Space Complexity: O(N). By introducing these test cases, I was able to uncover subtle bugs that could have led to incorrect outputs. This iterative process of testing and refining has not only improved the reliability of my code but also deepened my understanding of how different inputs can affect algorithm behavior. I also took the time to document my findings and the rationale behind each test case. This documentation will serve as a valuable resource for future reference, and it’s a great way to solidify my learning. Sharing these insights with my peers has sparked engaging discussions, allowing us to learn from one another's experiences and approaches. As I continue on this coding journey, I’m reminded of the importance of perseverance and curiosity. Each line of code is a step toward mastery, and I’m excited to tackle even more challenging problems ahead. Here’s to the thrill of discovery and the joy of coding! 🚀💪 #ProblemSolving 💡 #cpp 🖥 #GFG62-160DaysChallenge📍 #GFG15/365DayChallenge & CodingJourney2025 🎈 GeeksforGeeks 🎓 Sandeep Jain 🔷 #GeeksForGeeks2025📅 #DSA 📊 #DataStructuresAndAlgorithms 📂 #ProblemSolvingSkills 🏆 #CodingChallenge 💪 #CodingJourney 🌍 #ProgressNotPerfection 📈
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