This week I shared thoughts on the #threat of Chinese malicious cyber activity and the importance of #cybersecurity at a keynote speech to the Air Force Technical Applications Center in sunny Florida. During AFTAC's Cybersecurity Day, I encouraged DoD members and industry partners alike to go to to learn from some of the over 75 Cybersecurity Advisories we've published about the threat and what to do about it. We talked about threats like #VOLTTYPHOON and the tactic of #livingofftheland to access and operate in our networks. Products on offer ways to become a hard target by employing #zerotrust principles. We can't choose to not be targets, but we can and must choose to be HARD targets...
Sir, thank you for accepting the invite to come down and speak to us! It was a great honor to meet you!
ACOS G6 - Director of Communications, Multinational Division Southeast (MND-SE), NATO
7moPerhaps they’re willing to hire transitioning cybersecurity practitioners?