🏛 Here is our weekly update on #financialregulation news 📰 BBVA Research Inés Criado Saiz Highlights: ✔ BCBS publishes G20 progress report on the 2023 banking turmoil and liquidity risk ✔ EC, ECB and ESMA issue joint statement on next steps for the transition to T+1 governance ✔ EBA consults on draft technical standards to support the centralized EBA Pillar 3 data hub ✔ BdE resolves to reciprocate a macroprudential measure approved by the Banca d’Italia ✔ BoE consults on its approach to setting a MREL #BCBS #SVB #CS #liquidityrisk #bankingturmoil #G20 #FSB #operationalrisk #CMPU #payments #EuropeanCommission #ECB #ESMA #governance #EBA #Pillar3 #ESAs #DORA #MiCA #MiFIR #BdE #BdI #macroprudential #SyRB #systemicrisk #AMCESFI #CNMV #UK #BankofEngland #MREL #PRA #CRA
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🏛 Here is our weekly update on #financialregulation news 📰 BBVA Research with Salvador Portillo Bustillo Highlights: ✔ ESAs propose improvements to the sustainable finance disclosure regulation ✔ EBA publishes regulatory products under MiCAR ✔ SRB issues statement on expectations on valuation capabilities ✔ EBA publishes final standards on materiality of extensions and market risk internal models ✔ OJEU publications: CRR III, CRD VI, AMLR, AMLD and AMLA #ESAs #EBA #ESMA #EIOPA #disclosure #sustainablefinance #MiCAR #SRB #valuation #resolution #marketrisk #internalmodels #FRTB #ECB #CRA #ratings #OJEU #DOUE #CRR3 #CRD6 #BankingPackage #AML #AMLR #AMLD #AMLA #BdE #PRA #OCC
Global | Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. June 21, 2024
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🏛 Here is our weekly update on #financialregulation news 📰 BBVA Research with Salvador Portillo Bustillo Highlights: ✔ BCBS issues disclosure framework and amendments to prudential standard for cryptoassets ✔ EBA clarifies the operational application of CRR 3 in the area of credit risk modeling ✔ FSB consults on recommendations related to cross-border payments ✔ EBA consults on ITS on the joint decision process for internal model authorization ✔ EBA issues report on the stacking orders and management buffers #BCBS #disclsoure #prudential #cryptoassets #FSB #payments #crossborder #climaterisk #IRRBB #EBA #CRR3 #CreditRisk #internalmodels #stackingorder #CET1 #AT1 #MREL #TLAC #leverage #ESAs #CyberRisk #MiCA #DORA #MiCAR #CRD #remuneration #ESMA #MiFID #AIFMD #UCITS #PRA #stresstest #DyGIST #FCA #bigtech #digitalwallet #USAgencies #mortgages #AVM #USTreasury #CRA
Global | Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. July 19, 2024
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🏛 Here is our weekly update on #financialregulation news 📰 BBVA Research with Salvador Portillo Bustillo Highlights: ✔ EBA issues consultation on its 2025 EU-wide stress test ✔ EBA publishes European Supervisory Examination Programme (ESEP) for 2025 ✔ BCBS consults on principles for the sound management of third-party risk ✔ EBA publishes annual report on convergence of supervisory practices ✔ EBA consults on RTS regarding CVA risk of arising from securities financing transactions #BCBS #thirdpartyrisk #FAFT #VirtualAssets #VASP #AML #CFT #EBA #stresstest #CRR3 #ESEP #supervision #RTS #CVA #reporting #ART #EMT #tokens #emoney #OSII #systemicrisk #capitalbuffer #ESAs #SRB #MREL #ESMA #liquidity #AIFMD #UCITS #CCP #CSDR #MiFIR #NFCs #PRA #LIST #BoE #CFPB
Global | Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. July 12, 2024
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🏛 Here is our weekly update on #financialregulation news 📰 BBVA Research Inés Criado Saiz Highlights: ✔ESMA publishes its second risk monitoring report of 2024 ✔ECB publishes opinion on the proposal for a regulation on a framework for financial data access ✔ESRB publishes report on bank’s vulnerability to deposit runs ✔EBA issues opinion on a Dutch measure to address macroprudential risk ✔SEC adopts amendments on reporting requirements #ESMA #risk #ECB #data #ESRB #deposits #EBA #macroprudential #EIOPA #Solvency2 #FCA #SEC #CFTC #swaps #FinCEN #ResidentialRealEstate #RR· #CFT #AML
Global | Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. September 06, 2024
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🏛 Here is our weekly update on #financialregulation news 📰 BBVA Research Salvador Portillo Bustillo Highlights: ✔ PRA announces a new delay to the implementation of Basel ✔ EBA launches a consultation on ESG scenario analysis ✔ EBA and ESMA issue joint report on recent developments in crypto-assets ✔ FSB develops analytical framework and toolkit to assess climate-related vulnerabilities ✔ EBA publishes peer review on the application of proportionality under the SREP #FSB #climaterisks #transitionplans #BCBS #CPMI #IOSCO #VM #EBA #ESG #ESMA #cryptos #SREP #capital #retail #ECB #macroprudential #MAPO #macropru #NBFI #SRB #resolution #EIOPA #PRA #Basel3 #FCA #MELL #CFPB #BNPL
Global | Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. January 17, 2025
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📰 Here is our weekly update on #financialregulation news by Matias C. and Salvador Portillo Bustillo. Highlights ⬇️ 🔹 #BCBS issues disclosure framework and amendments to prudential standard for #cryptoassets. 🔹EBA clarifies the operational application of CRR 3 in the area of credit risk modeling. 🔹FSB consults on recommendations related to cross-border payments. 🔹 EBA consults on ITS on the joint decision process for internal model authorization. 🔹 EBA issues report on the stacking orders and management buffers. https://bit.ly/3Lug3mU
Global | Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. July 19, 2024
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🏛 Here is our weekly update on #financialregulation news 📰 BBVA Research Salvador Portillo Bustillo Highlights: ✔ FSB and BCBS publish updated G-SIB list and the corresponding information ✔ BCBS publishes report on the implementation of a positive neutral CCyB ✔ BCBS presents a technical amendment on the hedging of counterparty credit risk exposures ✔ BCBS presents technical amendment to crypto-asset exposures ✔ BdE updates list of O-SIIs and sets macroprudential capital buffer rates for 2025 #BCBS #FSB #GSIB #systemic #capital #disclosure #CCyB #SyRB #IOSCO #CreditRisk #hedge #crypto #EBA #MREL #SRB #consultation #ESMA #BdE #OSIIs #buffers #macroprudential #CNMV #PRA #FCA #MiFID #FRB #FinancialStability #FSR
Global | Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. November 29, 2024
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🏛 Here is our weekly update on #financialregulation news 📰 BBVA Research with Salvador Portillo Bustillo Highlights: ✔ GHOS issues statement on the Basel III implementation and on crypto-asset standard ✔ BdE issues consultation on procedures to revise the CCyB ✔ EBA consults on proposal for equivalent mechanism for unfinished property ✔ ESMA issues guidelines to establish harmonized criteria for use of ESG and sustainability terms ✔ SRB publishes 2024 MREL policy and the Q4.2023 MREL dashboard #BIS #BCBS #Basel3 #crypto #BdE #CCyB #IOSCO #sustainability #EBA #ESMA #ESG #SRB #MREL #ECB #financialstability #EIOPA #AMCESFI #macroprudential #capitalrequirements #cet1 #FRB #climaterisk #CFTC #eventcontracts #USAgencies #RegulationCC #SEC #FinCEN
Global | Financial Regulation: Weekly Update. May 17, 2024
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This document is the European Systemic Risk Board’s response to the European Commission’s targeted consultation assessing the adequacy of macroprudential policy for non-bank financial intermediation. Non-bank financial intermediaries (NBFI entities) comprise different types of entities that have diverse business models and that are subject to different regulatory frameworks. They include NBFI entities that act as agents on behalf of clients, such as asset managers, and those that hold assets on their own balance sheet, such as insurers. The ESRB has for many years provided advice to the EU co-legislators to help ensure that the regulatory framework for NBFI entities supplies EU and national authorities with the means to identify and address risks to financial stability wherever they arise in the financial system. This response to the European Commission’s consultation builds on this advice.
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Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission has granted approval to Standard Chartered Bank’s local subsidiary allowing it to provide financial products and services to high-net-worth clients (those worth more than TWD 100 million). https://lnkd.in/d5zPCKKj
Taiwan FSC Further Opens Up High-net-worth Business to Banks
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