Coming home for Christmas? 🎄🎅 For many years, I commuted almost weekly from my hometown Dresden to southern and northern Germany for work, spending countless hours on highways. This remains the reality for hundreds of thousands of employees who regularly commute from eastern to western Germany. 💡 As many former residents return home for the Christmas season, we would like to make them more receptive to the idea of moving back permanently. That’s why we launched a multi-channel campaign today with focus on technical related jobs GlobalFoundries. The several different wordings would likely appeal to those tired of long commutes and seeking a better work-life balance. It taps into the emotional desire to stay close to home, family and friends while pursuing a rewarding career in a growing industry in Silicon Saxony. 🚋 In trams and busses from the Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG, we use from today simple yet attention-grabbing advertisements like in the picture. 📱 The campaign is also running digitally with various visuals and wordings across relevant social media channels. I’m curious: How do you like the campaign approach?
Lieber Marian, eine smarte Idee, so um Rückkehrer:innen als neue Mitarbeiter:innen zu werben. Wir freuen uns, dass wir diese Kampagne gemeinsam mit euch umsetzen durften, und danken euch für euer Vertrauen und die tolle Zusammenarbeit in diesem Jahr 🙏🏻 Auf dass ihr viele Bewerbungen von motivierten Rückkehrer:innen erhalten werdet!
good initiative 👍
Great job! 👏
Straßenbahnwerbung wirkt 💛😀
Eine Kampagne, die ins Auge fällt und hoffentlich Wirkung zeigen wird 🙌 Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir euch dabei unterstützen durften 🙏