Six Sigma combined with Lean is one of the most comprehensive approaches to achieving excellence. It not only transforms the way an organization thinks but also connects individuals directly to the customer. Unfortunately, the growing impatience of top management often undermines the pride and purpose of this philosophy, as the pressure for quick fixes to meet short-term goals prevails. The real challenge lies in management's commitment to actions that align with Six Sigma's long-term objectives, which is often lacking, leading to compromised results. How relevant do you think Six Sigma is in today’s fast-paced business environment?
Global Experience Owner - People Services @ GSK | Intersection of PPT - People, Process and Technology | 🧱 The Brick by Brick Guy 🧱
Quality Management had its 🚀 moment when Jack Welch at GE made it a priority. This was in the early and mid 1990s. During the early days of COVID-19, the Zoom video conference tool exploded. Everyone wanted it. It was the right tool at the right place. The same happened to Six Sigma after GE mandated its managers to get Green Belt or Black Belt certified. This gave birth to a generation of quality and business managers with an understanding of process management. I am often asked, what were the key benefits of the Six Sigma revolution we saw from mid-1990s to mid mid-2000s? This is against the backdrop of criticism of the method as being not as scientific as it claimed to be, as being a rip off of the previous methods, and of overclaiming success. I acknowledge the criticism but don't agree with all of them. But that's another post. Back to the contributions... 1. Focus on Quality 2. Saved billions 3. A new breed of managers 4. Problem solving mindset 5. Habit of learning 😃 The benefits far outweigh the occasional criticism. And there lies a lesson for us. Every tool, every method will have some limitations. It is up to us to use it well and in the ways intended. What other quality tools and methods have you implemented? Or want to learn more about? ++++ This is World Quality Month and I am sharing daily posts on Quality. If you like this stuff, please consider following me at Anshuman Tiwari.