61% of founders rate their value-add experience as below average...
And according to Creandum's Carl Fritjofsson, VCs think they add about 30% more impact than what founders report.
Our most recent episode of #Origins explored this topic, and Signature Block by Weekend Fund offers a separate deep dive into the tools and processes investors use to support their portfolios, the dos and don'ts when helping, and more. 👇
1️⃣First, do no harm. Some investors lack the self-awareness to know that they’re not helping.
2️⃣Showing up goes a long way. Showing up consistently for portfolio founders, whether it’s promptly responding to their emails or attending an event, engenders trust in the relationship.
3️⃣Deliver on your value-added superpowers. Consistent support isn’t enough. The quality of help you provide matters too.
4️⃣Use your network to compensate for weaknesses. Investors have massive networks, often larger than the founders they back. Tap into this network – portfolio founders, co-investors, LPs, friends – to help founders in areas you cannot.
Read more at the link in comments.
Thank you to Vijen Patel and Brittany Graunke (The 81 Collection); D'Arcy Coolican (Seams); Maria Tangarova (Chapter One); Mark Scianna (Forward Deployed VC); and Terrence Rohan (Otherwise Fund) for sharing their thoughts with Ryan Hoover.
#VC #VCPlatform #GPs
Quite the rides Lior. 💪