The pendulum is swinging, and we're rapidly approaching a model where demonstrating impact and value is table stakes, while flexibility, speed, and bespoke solutions are paramount. Having been on three sides of this equation- large, midsized, in-house, and now boutique - I can confidently say, long gone are the days of an "annual plan". Brands need an agency (and team) deeply immersed in the partnership, with an 'always-on' approach to pivoting, proving value, and adapting to the ever-changing human landscape.
"A beautiful time to be midsize and management-owned": Independent agency CEOs on the Omnicom-IPG deal. Read responses from Ruder Finn's Kathy Bloomgarden, /prompt.'s Paul Dyer, WE Communications' Melissa Waggener Zorkin, Mission North 's Tyler Perry (she/her), MikeWorldWide's Michael Kempner, Day One Agency's Josh Rosenberg and Notorious111's Katie Hooper.