Many people f**k up freedom of information requests and p**s off the NHS. Around ten years ago I watched and wrote some helpful guidance for NHS commissioners when dealing with FOIs from pharma. The CCG teams were not happy. They were overwhelmed with requests on all kinds of things, and it was usually bloody obvious who was making the request. BUT The commissioners were public, tax-payer funded bodies who often refused to take meetings, and were not inclined to share information. So they created the conditions that kind of forced the companies to do it... ... thus pissing them off. FOI requests are very useful, but DON'T BE A ROOKIE! This Wednesday I'm running a session that will cover how and where to get intel from the NHS, that helps you to engage with the NHS in the right kind of way. The 90m session will be covering.... Freedom of Information Act-ing 📩🎭 Public document trawling 📄🌐 (special guest Phil Evans) Data and information source-ing 📊📈 Commissioner workshop fishing 🐟🦞 Research project-ing 🔎🔬 Link in comments. Tell a friend.
The nhs articially subsidising the business models of some companies which is why the nhs gets frustrated- not a popular view but seeing the requests come through you can’t help feel that there is some game playing.
There’s another element to this Liam….not necessarily the Pharma companies themselves but data and information companies that sell this information to Pharma. Sometimes they might have different acceptability thresholds?
Please record as I can't attend Liam Cahill
They were our biggest nightmare when I worked in the NHS - not much time to get loads of data especially in pharmacy before prescriptions where electronic the same with notes! Litterally boxes 📦 everywhere and searching 🕵🏼♀️
I help NHS orgs embrace digital & innovate ➕ I help healthtech fit the NHS. National advisor. Social enterprise advocate, founder & non-exec. I write about #digitalhealth on LinkedIn.
1moJoin the party this Wednesday 12-1:30pm - so you can avoid rookie errors and pissing off the NHS.