The 2nd Lawyers' Run, organized by SDEE / Σ.Δ.Ε.Ε. (ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΔΙΚΗΓΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΩΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ), attracted a lot of attention, and we at #KGLawFirm are proud to have been a part of such a noble initiative at OAKA Stadium on Sunday, February 23rd. It was more than just a race—it was an opportunity to come together and support two charitable organizations, Cerebral Palsy Greece/Open Door and Aurora Greece , making a real difference in the lives of many. A huge thank you to the sponsors and supporters of the event, the organizing team and of course, to all the runners of the three races who joined us! #KGRunners #LawyersRun #GivingBack
Thank you for your support! Every stride helps create more opportunities for empowerment and solidarity. 💙 #RunningForACause #CerebralPalsyGreece #OpenDoor