It's a fucking honor to build products for the 99% of businesses that fall below the Fortune 500 poverty line 💪 While the Fortune 500 said SIEM was tired, the Fortune 5,000,000 showed us how to mic-drop! 🫳🎤 🧠 Affordable, predictive pricing *is* possible if you only store what matters 💾 Retaining / hunting thru petabytes of daily data *won't* break the model 💵 You can protect more than just your critical servers *if* the price is right Can't tell you how dope it feels to work with MSP partners / Customers to completely disrupt these perceptions—currently ingesting logs from 500,000+ data sources! Massive thanks to those Product Lab believers that demanded a new way to SIEM and the team at ClickHouse who helped us reimagine a different approach to storage and scalability 🙏
"Fortune 500 poverty line" LoL
This is simply and amazing product surrounded by amazing people that actually give a sh!t about taking care of those of us who are below the "fortune 500 poverty line". I love rolling this out to customers and constantly discovering new and wild things the company is bringing to life! Huntress is literally a unicorn in the MSP world...
I do love myself some ClickHouse for log analytics. Having a peek behind the curtain in regards to Huntress' use of it is particularly nice.
Respect for making affordable, smart solutions a reality for businesses of all sizes
Kyle Hanslovan, I love the focus on the 99% of businesses that fall below the Fortune 500 poverty line. It's exciting for me to watch the big dogs get disrupted, especially after trying for so long to get them to overhaul themselves to be more responsive and adaptable; yet, the lumbering remains. 😏
Hahahaha. The Fortune 500 poverty line. Well done. We are proud to partner with Huntress. We appreciate the product line, but even more, your support of our team and our industry. Thanks!
Security Analyst @ Kansas Dept. of Admin | CEO & Security Engineer @ Culligan Technology LLC
3moIt has only gotten better since beta, our technicians really enjoy it.