This is really great and resonates - thanks Bryan Solar for the link! Couldnt align more to this - why add YAF (Yet Another Feature) when you can refine, prune, and streamline a feature in your existing product offering... On the engineering side this is also beneficial as it is less Cognitive Load and more time to cover Engineering PASS (Performance, Availability, Security, & Scalability)
Everyone loves launching new features, but in my experience, most growth comes from the less sexy work: incremental and consistent optimization of your core product. Surprisingly, I’ve never seen a great framework for how to methodically think about increasing the adoption of features after they’ve launched. Until now. Introducing the ARIA framework—by Ken Rudin: Ken developed this framework over the course of his career. And his background is bonkers: He was one of the first senior execs on Facebook's legendary early growth team, led growth at Google for many years (including Google search, ads, and cloud), led the Growth and Analytics team at Zynga, was the first SVP of Products and Engineering at @Salesforce, and most recently helped ThoughtSpot (an AI-enabled analytics vendor) transition their growth motion from a traditional sales-led B2B SaaS model to product-led growth. There’s a lot of hate for micro-optimization product work, and I’m here to tell you that this work is important. Maybe the most important. 👇