Big Bear Bald Eagle Nest Cam: now it is bald eagle breeding season Father eagle brings fish to the mother eagle.... In most of California, the breeding season lasts from about January through July or August. One or two eggs (occasionally three) are laid in late winter or early spring, and incubation lasts about 35 days. Chicks fledge when they are 11 or 12 weeks old. Stayed updated:
He brings meat. She makes him eat salad...
These are cute little parrots :) If you wanna see a real eagle, come down under to Straya, mate. Our wedge-tails dwarf your little 'baldies' like in this video. #strayamate
“It’s ladies night…your turn to watch the kids”
The male keeping watch while mom has a bite to eat gives true meaning to “eagle eye!!!”
❤️ Ain't that sweet she brings her hubby a wakame salad !! ❤️
Houston, the Eagle has landed. 👍
Dady comes with lung.
A wonderful coooeration and solidarity for the continuatipon of life!..
Despite bald eagles no longer being officially listed as endangered or threatened, there are still laws on the books to protect their nests. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. Developers simply clear cut an entire area or a tree with an obviously active nest, asserting that it was “abandoned” even when clear and seen that is not the case. If a neighbor tries to advocate, Feds say to call the state. State says to call the feds. Even when it is admitted by the county that they never actually came out a d looked before granting that permit to cut, and relied on a list of “abandoned” nests that was years out of date, there is no accountability. The developer correctly says they had a permit. The county correctly says they checked a list online. The agency correctly agrees the list is old. Yet the chicks in the nest, the nest, the tree and all other potential nesting trees for many acres around it are gone.