There are more tools than ever these days that sales leaders can utilize in their coaching efforts. What sometimes is missing is the 'why'. Take a look at the checklist below to learn more about Richardson's Sales Performance System that can help you identify the 'why' to make coaching more compelling and address performance. #coaching #datadriveninsights
Technology has equipped sales leaders with more tools than ever. Yet, sales coaching has been slow to improve. Why? Because data tells you what is happening but not necessarily why it’s happening. When sales leaders have the “why” they can address performance. Take a look at our latest checklist and see how Richardson’s Accelerate Sales Performance System helps identify the WHY and allows sales leaders to be more personalized and efficient in their coaching. Read the checklist at the link in the comments below 👇 #RichardsonSalesPerformance #Richardson #salestraining #salescoaching #salesmanagement #salesleaders