On October 28, Czech National Day, my President Petr Pavel bestowed on me the Order of Thomas Garrigue Masaryk 2nd Class, for accomplishments in the promotion of democracy, humanity and human rights. (TGM was the founder and first president of post-WW1 Czechoslovakia.) As he reviewed the rationale for this award, the President's Chancellor specifically highlighted my work as a former Ambassador to the United Nations and to NATO. This high honour took my breath away. The President and I have been following each other's careers for some 30 years, since the times when I served on the UN Security Council and he, then a lieutenant colonel, headed the Czech contingent in UNPROFOR in former Yugoslavia. During my tenure at NATO he certainly noticed the furore in 1999 during the Kosovo operation, when I clashed with the Czech Government on account of the air campaign against Yugoslavia. We were together most recently during his trip to Rwanda last April, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the genocide, a trip which he invited me to join as his advisor.
Bravo Karel .C'est Génial. Gérard Bellion.ami du SCI en Bretagne.il y a très longtemps ! C'est Jacqueline qui m'a envoyé l'info. Gégé
Congratulations to my dear friend You are my hero
A great award for a life well-spent in pursuit and execution of the grandest dream of foundational goals, Karel: freedom for a country taken hostage, and service to international cooperation. And on the way you picked a lot of mushrooms. WE# send our love and admiring congratulations, Jeremy and Hana
Velká gratulace pane velvyslanče. Bylo mi velkou ctí sloužit a snad se i trochu svou malou měrou (vedle Vaší velké) zasloužit o vstup a zahájení fungování ČR v NATO. S pozdravem a úctou (tehdy major) Jan Váňa
Congratulations, well deserved. It was a pleasure to learn from you.
Dear Cusine I am so very proud on your behalf- congratulations 🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿
Karel gratulujem Ti na správnych ľudí, ktorí robili správne veci vtedy keď bolo treba netreba zabúdať.👍
Well done, Karel! Thank you for your service, for your leadership, and especially for the extra effort! It has been a pleasure and an honor to share your friendship, and Beth and I wish you continued success.
Congratulations, Katel, a well-fitting distinction, a splendid way to mark your achievements!
3moCongratulations dear Karel! I'm so glad for you. Great recognition to all your work.