Alright continuing on with my virtual machine journey... Today's plan was make starting VMs dynamic, but that's no fun, so skipped ahead one level... Networking dynamicism! Nope, not full software-defined networking yet, just the fundamentals: Create a bridge interface to route all VMs tap interface that's connected to the VM, so we can route traffic though. It's not working yet, but here's a diagram below of how it'll look, that should be less confusing. Anyway, that's been today, creating things like host IDs from relative IP segmenting, so I can generate MAC addresses to connect to the tap interfaces, etc. But at least that part works. Won't be at a point where I can test this yet, still need to do that dynamic part, but will do that tomorrow.
Did the distributed database you made a couple of weeks ago turn into this, or was that a separate project?
SWE ████▒▒▒▒▒▒ EM
6moThis is a foreign realm to me. I’m putting together a PieHole tomorrow so maybe this is my gateway drug of hardware projects 🤣