Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman’s Post

View profile for Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman

Professor/University of Zagreb, Visiting Fellow EUI RSCAS, Co-Director/ASCOLA SEE, President/Croatian Competition Law and Policy Association

Wonderful news. Croatia’s Parliament finally ratified the EUI Convention. I am very proud and excited about many opportunities for Croatian researchers to advance knowledge and contribute to European debates. Ministry of Science and Technology European University Institute Patrizia Isabelle Nanz Nicolas Petit Erik Jones

Sabor: ESI donosi pristup prestižnim programima za znanstvenike

Sabor: ESI donosi pristup prestižnim programima za znanstvenike


Branka Marusic

Associate senior lecturer in intellectual property law (Stockholm)


Napokon! Izvrsna vijest.

Tadija Kristić

Senior Advisor - Digital Expert / Croatian Competition Authority / MPA


Odlično! Napokon!

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