Garry Kasparov understands the motivation for invading Ukraine better than many pundits from the West, including political leaders. Excerpt, Garry Kasparov and Kate Tsurkan, the Kyiv Independent //My first warning about Vladimir Putin and the potential dangers he posed came on Jan. 4, 2001, in a piece I wrote for The Wall Street Journal. When he began attacking free media and television, I immediately recognised the signs — his statements like "once KGB, always KGB" and actions like restoring the conservative Soviet anthem. The writing was on the wall. On April 25, 2005, during his State of the Nation address, he declared that "the collapse of the #SovietUnion was the greatest #geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century." That statement was the defining moment. It was an explicit declaration of intent to rebuild the #RussianEmpire — not necessarily within the same borders, but rather a return to the world where the underlying principle is that "might make right." This is the world Putin understands. What's tragic is that even now, after so much blood has been spilt, people in the free world are still trying to find some #compromise or middle ground to return to. What they fail to recognise is that you cannot #negotiate with this kind of evil for a simple reason: Putin views this as a war of #destruction, not a war for #territorialgains. Giving him a piece of Ukrainian territory won't change his calculations — it will only whet his appetite. His ultimate goal includes the destruction of #Ukrainian #statehood because Ukrainian statehood is one of the pillars of this world order he seeks to dismantle. It's striking when you examine the attitudes of politicians in the West — in Germany, Britain, or America. Even after (the occupation of) #Crimea, after countless wars, and after Syria, many still fail to grasp the situation. Looking at the world's conflicts today, you see Putin as a spider at the centre of the web. Yet, there remains a persistent tendency among many Western politicians to seek common ground, negotiate, and find ways to avoid the magic word — #escalation. This approach is utterly misguided because showing weakness is the surest way to escalate. Everyone knows you must hold your ground and look it in the eye when facing a predator. If you turn your back, you're done for.// #geopolitics
Jonathan T L.’s Post
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Opinion - The real reason Russia invaded Ukraine "Russia is not a country forged by shared values, common beliefs or a unifying purpose — it is an empire assembled by force, bound together by lies and sustained through the theft of other peoples’ art, culture and history. It is true that conquest and cultural appropriation are nothing new in human history, but the existence of past colonial crimes by other powers does not justify Russia’s attempt to erase Ukraine today. In 2021, Vladimir Putin penned a 5,000-word essay declaring that Ukraine does not exist — not as a culture and certainly not as a nation. Russians and Ukrainians are “one people,” he claimed, as tsars and commissars had done before him. But this was no admission of kinship. It was a threat: Ukrainians must either accept that they are Russian or perish. Putin didn’t just challenge Ukraine’s right to self-determination; he framed it as Russia’s duty to invade, kill, rape and torture."
Opinion - The real reason Russia invaded Ukraine
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Very insightful piece from Andrew Chakhoyan in The Hill. This will hopefully help the Western legislators understand russia’s motives in #Ukraine. —— Andrew starts with a story: “Since the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2014, one Russian phrase has haunted me. It translates to “They [Ukrainians] crucified a little boy wearing nothing but his underwear.” It sounds grotesque, like something from a macabre fairytale. And it never happened, of course. But for many people in russia, it might as well have.” I personally hail from Sloviansk (a town in the Donetsk region), where the events from this story supposedly took place… and I know it never happened. russia’s war against Ukraine was never about #NATO, security concerns, or “brotherly nations.” But this is no admission of kinship. It is a threat: Ukrainians must either accept that they are Russian or perish. It is a colonial war—one rooted in russia’s imperial obsession with controlling Ukraine and denying its existence as a sovereign nation. As the article highlights, russia’s invasion is driven by an ideology that refuses to see Ukrainians as a distinct people. The relentless violence, from mass executions to the abduction of Ukrainian children, is not just war—it is genocide. russia does not see Ukraine as a country to negotiate with. It sees it as a territory to erase. That is why the only path to peace is Ukrainian victory. “Ukraine’s fight today is a battle not for territory, but for historical justice and for truth. A little boy wearing nothing but underwear was never crucified, and the Russian people must learn this. Moscow’s criminal war has forced the world — and Russians themselves — to confront the delusions that have sustained the empire. What this aggressive re-colonizer requires, more than anything, is a resounding defeat.”
The real reason Russia invaded Ukraine
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👇 Foreign Policy longread dedicated to our work in direction of complete #DecolonizationRF of Moscovia (so-called "Russian Federation"), - but vocabulary is extremely important, so we hope that over time, instead of using "separatism" in the appropriate context, the much more relevant terms as National Liberation and Regional ANTICOLONIAL struggle of #CaptiveNation will be used 🎯 Couse normal civilized political separatismas (as, for example, there is in #Quebec or #Scotland) is possible in mature liberal democracies, where are a lot of diverse (within the legal field, political culture and civil society) tools to discuss secessions is possible, but since #Russia-#Moscovia not olny the last colonial empire of #Europe, but also terrorist state on the border of authoritarianism & totalitarianism, there should not and cannot be classical "separatism" - only #anticolonial activities 💯 #Tatarstan, #Circassia, #Bashkortostan, #Komi, #Sakha, #Buryatia, Oirat-#Kalmykia, #Karelia, #Siberia, #Kuban, #Don, #Ingria, #Smalandia, #Tyva, #Khakassia, #Altai, #Ingushetia, etc. are separate nations, none of them became part of the "Russian Federation " voluntarily and by your own choice (such as through a referendum, which "for some reason" the "most progressive" 🤡 of the "good Russians" 🤢 so persistently demand from all of them as an unconditional demand to even start a discussion of independence, while the rest of these representatives of the "soft power" controlled by the #Chekists of the Kremlin generally refuse even to debate about the right to independence nations and regions still occupied by #Moscow) - all of them were conquered, drowned in blood, rufified, deported, etc., - all of them were not only in the past (during the last 300-400 years), but are still NOW classic colonies of Moscow, which mercilessly exploits them, taking away all resources, dooming them to poverty and using the people of the conquered nations as "meat" in their wars of aggression (only in the last 30 years, already in the era of the "Russian Federation" against #Ichkeria, #Sakartvelo, #Syria and #Ukraine), - therefore their struggle for their own independent states is an indisputable right to freedom and self-determination ✌ #MakeMoscoviaSmallAgain 💪 #PostRussia #MoscoviaDelendaEst 🔥 p.s. thanks to the author Justin Ling for an interesting article 🤝
Ukraine’s Offensive Bolsters Russia’s Separatists
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“Russia is not a country forged by shared values, common beliefs or a unifying purpose — it is an empire assembled by force, bound together by lies and sustained through the theft of other peoples’ art, culture and history.” “It is true that conquest and cultural appropriation are nothing new in human history, but the existence of past colonial crimes by other powers does not justify Russia’s attempt to erase Ukraine today.” “Russia’s forerunner, Muscovy owed its rise in the 13th century to the role of a tax collector for the Golden Horde, allowing its princes to amass wealth and outmaneuver rivals. In contrast, Kyiv had already thrived for 600 years as a cultural and political hub before Moscow, founded in 1147, even emerged from servitude.” Andrew Chakhoyan, the opinion piece author, was born in Donetsk, Ukraine and grew up speaking Russian and notes that he did not choose his mother tongue. As such, this piece is very critical of Russia and supportive of Ukraine. This piece is hard-hitting and timely, given all of talk about potential negotiations to end the war that was initiated by Russian invasion. Comments are requested on this piece and its implications. Thank you. #russia #ukraine #war #history #culture #colonialism #conquest #conquest #power #politicalculture #strategy #putin #survival #invasion #kyiv #moscow #rus #imperialism #empire #wealth #military #defense #myths #lies #negotiation #muscovy #reason #logic #crime
The real reason Russia invaded Ukraine
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Kudos to the The Moscow Times for running this excellent op-ed on May 9th by Elena Davlikanova. Its core message is as important as where it was published, and the courage to do both must be commended. Excerpt: "While money remains the main motivation for Russians who choose to fight, sociologist Grigory Yudin thinks that the motivating emotion among Russians is resentment caused by the belief that Russia’s national superiority is being sidelined by the global order. Some Russians who are horrified by Russia's aggressive policies still fear the possibility of their country losing the war and definitively stopping being a global power. This sense of resentment towards the world forms a pretext for the rise of fascist regimes. Russia in the 1990s underwent not only a sharp reduction in living standards but also a crisis of national identity. This resulted in deeply ingrained collective anger and the inability to govern the country through traditional democratic means. Alexander Dugin refreshed the ideas of the political philosopher Ivan Ilyin, offering Russians a sense of identity rooted in militaristic imperial nationalism. This is the idea that Russia acts as a counterweight against Western hegemony, leading nations united by Eurosianism, traditionalism, and anti-liberalism. If nations like Ukraine refuse to comply, they are labeled as either non-existent or fascist, justifying their conquest and Russification. Another two features of fascism evident in Russia are the willingness of the majority of society to enter a state of mobilization accepting limitations on rights and freedoms, and the presence of a charismatic figure to serve as the leader of the nation. Even though more than half of the Russian population would support a peace treaty with Ukraine, only 3 % believe it should result in Ukraine regaining sovereignty over all its internationally recognized territory. All these moods are reflected in the Victory Day celebrations, along with the ubiquitous stripes of the Saint George ribbon and the “Z” logo. The letter has become the most recognizable symbol of public support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, giving supporters of the war a symbol to rally behind. To encapsulate the essence of Russia's Victory Day, Ukrainians have coined the term “pobedobesiyje” (a frenzy of victory)—a haunting portrayal of celebrations driven by a pursuit of victory so obsessive it is akin to demonic possession." (I recently wrote about the phenomenon of "pobedobesiye" here in my review of American Enterprise Institute's Leon Aron's excellent new book "Riding the Tiger": ) Read the whole piece here 👇.
Fascism Has Won in Russia Decades After WWII - The Moscow Times
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#Kissinger's shadow chases #Blinken... How difficult was it for Blinken to meet the emperor of #China, the man who holds the keys to the "world factory" and sits second on the list of great powers? Vladimir #Putin must have come to the secretary of state's mind. He will not lose the war in #Ukraine, but the €West will make it long and costly. The war in Ukraine has increased #Russia's need for #MaoZedong's country. The master of the #Kremlin knows that a competitor to Russia is also the human sea that resides on its borders, armed with technological progress and a will of steel. Putin has escaped #American fate and fallen into #Chinese fate. The appointment is indeed a difficult one. The man, whom Blinken shook hands with, is not threatened by elections or the media, and no one dares to oppose him, since the party has established him as Mao's continuator. In the talks, Blinken confirmed that #XiJinping is in no hurry to confront America, but he does not want to see Putin lose because his defeat would deepen #Taiwan's alienation. #Kissinger shared destiny between #Stalin and #Mao, wrote history and contributed to the fall of the #USSR. But he made #China a superpower that challenges the international order today. Will the West succeed in entangling Russia and dividing its destinies from China once again? Tragic situations require exceptional decisions and men skilled in using turning points to create destinies that will remain in history. Time is a judge that disregards extenuating circumstances. It pushes the holders of power to their fate and monitors their results. There is no place for ordinary employees who run into oblivion like river water going to the sea.
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"In particular, NATO membership should have been considered for Ukraine and Belarus (when Russia was in no position to object to Western indifference to promises that may or may not have been made to Gorbachev). Instead, Ukraine and Belarus were ignored and relegated to an untenable geopolitical no-man’s land that would ultimately invite Russian aggression against both. Belarus was demoted to Russian vassal status, while Ukraine was invaded and became the target of genocide. The West erred by thinking that the transition to a market economy could be accomplished quickly and in such a manner as not to politically undermine the reformers. The United States and its allies should have supported the creation of democratic institutions, even at the cost of a delayed economic transformation. Instead, the West helped bring about a “Weimar Russia” scenario in which imperial collapse was followed by economic distress, democracy’s discrediting and the rise of a strongman who exploited the traditional Russian adulation of powerful leaders in order to establish what eventually became a fascist, proto-Nazi regime."
Opinion: How wishful thinking from the West enabled Russian authoritarianism
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" The entire notion that putin could be satisfied by simply freezing the war along the current front lines in southern and eastern Ukraine reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the imperialistic motives behind russia’s invasion. putin . . has little interest in seizing a handful of Ukrainian regions or adding new land to russia’s staggering vastness. Instead, putin’s decisions are shaped by an almost mystical belief in his own historic mission that is beyond the comprehension of most observers in the hyper-rational West. " putin’s whole political career has been defined by his burning resentment at the perceived injustices of the Soviet collapse . . . Back in 2005, he had Ukraine very much in mind when he famously described the disintegration of the soviet union as the ' biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century. ' Over the subsequent two decades . . . " putin’s Ukraine obsession is not only a product of his determination to reverse the verdict of 1991. Crucially, he regards modern Ukraine’s efforts to secure a democratic European future as a potential catalyst for the further breakup of the russian Federation . . . " This has left putin with a lifelong dread of people power movements and a profound sense of russia’s imperial fragility. In light of this backstory, it is hardly surprising that he was so violently triggered by Ukraine’s two post-Soviet revolutions, and so obviously alarmed by the slow but steady consolidation of Kyiv’s democratic credentials. Given the patchwork nature of the russian Federation, putin has long been acutely aware that if left unchecked, Ukraine’s strengthening grassroots democracy and successful embrace of self-determination could eventually inspire secession movements and imperial collapse within his own authoritarian realm. " For putin, therefore, Ukrainian independence represents an existential threat to russia itself. This explains why he has been prepared to risk everything in order to erase Ukraine from the map. It also makes a mockery of suggestions that he could be bought off by the offer of the Ukrainian regions currently under russian occupation. "
Forcing Ukraine to cede land will only increase Putin’s imperial appetite
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🌍 What Does a "Russian Victory" in Ukraine Really Mean? Lesia Dubenko’s latest piece explores the chilling reality behind Russia’s notion of "victory" in Ukraine. It’s not just about territory—it’s about rewriting history, erasing Ukraine’s identity, and silencing its people. Russia’s aim seems to be a world where Ukrainian voices, culture, and independence no longer exist. This article makes it clear: this isn’t just Ukraine’s fight. It’s a fight for self-determination and truth, a stand against aggression that the entire world has a stake in. Check out Lesia’s article for a powerful perspective on what’s at stake. 📰 #Ukraine #Geopolitics #StandWithUkraine
What Is Russian Victory in Ukraine?
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Excerpt, Anastasiia Marushevska, Atlantic Council: //It should be no surprise if Trump’s peace initiative fails to progress. After all, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is not a simple land grab that can be resolved with some compromise deal. Instead, it is an old-fashioned war of colonial conquest that forms the latest chapter in a historic campaign of Russian imperial aggression against Ukraine stretching back hundreds of years. Throughout the Tsarist and Soviet eras, successive generations of Russian rulers sought to dominate #Ukraine and extinguish the very idea of a separate Ukrainian nation. This led to a vast array of crimes and atrocities, including the #Holodomor, an artificial famine engineered by the Stalin regime in the 1930s that killed millions of Ukrainians in their own homes. International audiences often struggle to understand the true nature of Russian #imperialism because they have been encouraged to view Russia as a nation rather than an empire. While academics and historians have always made clear distinctions between Great Britain or France and their colonial possessions, this has not usually been the case when dealing with Russia. Instead, occupied countries within the Tsarist and Soviet empires, such as Ukraine and Georgia, have often been treated as ethnic minorities rather than captive nations. The ultimate objective of Russian imperialism in Ukraine could hardly be more extreme. Putin and his predecessors have consistently aimed to erase any sense of Ukrainian national #identity and replace it with a Russian imperial identity. In other words, Russia’s historic goal has always been a Ukraine without Ukrainians. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is not a war for land or resources. It is, therefore, wishful thinking to suggest that Putin can be appeased with the promise of relatively minor territorial concessions. Like so many Russian rulers who came before him, Putin is determined to destroy Ukraine. The war will continue until he is forced to abandon his imperial ambitions entirely.// Zebra doesn't change its stripes. An autocrat like Putin is not open to compromise or negotiation by anyone because there is no opposition at home. It is asinine to believe that he is capable of change. #geopolitics #revanchism #irridentism Credit goes to Peter Dickinson
Appeasement will only fuel Vladimir Putin’s imperial ambitions in Ukraine
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