This is the story you dream of as Jonas. The World Cup in the middle of the World Cup, they're going to semifinal. And he then reveals that Brandi Chastain is asked for the coach to be sacked in December 2003. Suddenly everything makes sense. It's like, ohh, that might be why Brandy's not in the team. And I mean, fair enough, right? I mean, I wouldn't have taken on the squad, to be honest. Yeah, you're asking for trouble to put her in a squad. So as chaos, pandemonium in the the camp, obviously everything's kicking off media wide press conferences. But Despite that, they beat Germany 21 in the semifinal. Which is a big deal because obviously Germany have beaten them in the World Cup of previous year, hammered them in World Cup previously. I think 2 of the goals are three. Never quite. Weren't they? Yeah. But I mean, the the 5165 is the attendance. So, you know, really not, you know, there's not a sense that women's football mania has gripped Greece in the in the summer of 2004.