As folks like to say, VC is a repeat game. Yet, in my time as a VC I've witnessed behaviors that run counter to that premise, oftentimes from the people who have the most leverage. So, I was interested/delighted to see that the Founder's Institute has created and is promoting an analog to the Hippocratic Oath for VCs and finance professionals - called the Mensarius Oath ( Count me in as a supporter of the Mensarius Oath for ethical investing. #MensariusOath
Supporting Mensarius Oath for VCs
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I support the Mensarius Oath for ethical investing created by the VC Lab. #MensariusOath The Mensarius Oath
The Mensarius Oath
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As part of VC Lab Cohort 15, I support the Mensarius Oath for ethical investing created by the VC Lab. #MensariusOath
The Mensarius Oath
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Investing guidelines I endorse and suggest to follow are summed up in the Mensarius Oath for ethical investing created by VC Lab. Discover what it is and why is it important:
The Mensarius Oath
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As the year draws to a close and the VC world looks forward to 2025, there are some things that should remain consistent - one of those is ethical investing. I have found inspiration in VC Lab's Mensarius Oath (check it out here:
The Mensarius Oath
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Dear friends, just wanted to point out: I support the Mensarius Oath for ethical investing created by the VC Lab. #MensariusOath What a great idea! Take a look and learn more yourself about this ethical approach to VC investing and guiding your decisions. 👍👍👍
The Mensarius Oath
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🌟 As I explore new avenues, I’ve come across a modern approach to ethical investing. 🙌 I fully support and uphold the Mensarius Oath, created by VC Lab, as a guiding principle for responsible investing. You could check it out below ⬇️
The Mensarius Oath
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I support the Mensarius Oath for ethical investing created by the VC Lab: #MensariusOath
The Mensarius Oath
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The Mensarius Oath of ethical investing is a code of conduct for venture capitalists and other finance professionals designed to foster positive outcomes for humanity. As a financial professional investing with personal or investor capital, I pledge to uphold these values. If determined by myself or a panel of my peers that I have violated these values without reconciliation agreed between all involved parties, then I will voluntarily leave the industry. I support the Mensarius Oath for ethical investing created by the VC Lab. #MensariusOath #TheFounderInstitute #DecileGroup Decile Group
The Mensarius Oath
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I support the Mensarius Oath for ethical investing created by the VC Lab ( #MensariusOath
The Mensarius Oath
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I am excited to join VC Lab Cohort 17 and support the Mensarius Oath for ethical investing. Learn more about this initiative created by VC Lab: #EthicalInvesting #VCLab #Cohort17 #mensariusoath
The Mensarius Oath
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VC Investor in Disruptive Science | Founder | MIT PhD | STEM & Non-Profit Advisor
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