In the world of AI, Sales reps need to find a ways to differentiate and stand out from the crowd. We need to become the Ironman/Ironwomen of Sales by leveraging the tools and tech but never losing the human component. With the FCC making AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal back in February, cold calling has become a way for sales reps to stand out, but only when done right. Unfortunately, it's a lost art these days. That's why I'm excited to help promote Nick Cegelski and Armand Farrokh's new book on cold calling: Cold Calling Sucks (and that's why it works) It's packed with super tactical (and practical) approaches, structures, techniques and templates reps can use to take their calling to the next level. Cold calling isn't dead, it just need to evolve and this book is the evolution. Pick up your copy today!
You heard it from Iron Man himself folks
I agree 100%,John Barrows! Cold calling is a lost art and many are afraid of the phone. That said, it can be a differentiator for sure. I get hundreds of AI generated or AI enhanced emails, text messages, etc. on a monthly basis. Buyers can tell and most, like me, delete, delete, delete them. Deleting is very easy. What is a lost art is leaving a thoughtful message as, let's be honest, the odds of me answering are minimal, and then following up with an email that ties back to the message. The sales reps that I remember and that get my attention are good at thoughtful engagement via phone (yes, really voicemail) and email. If you bring it together well you will get noticed and will get the attention you are looking for. Now, I am not saying it is easy. It does take time and focus. That is why when I was a seller, I had outbound hours only where all I did was pound the phones. I would not touch email or take an inbound call during that time block.
It sure isn't dead! Reps just have to learn how to get over the anxiety and the low call connects and ace every call when they get a connect.
Thanks for the Rec John Barrows. I fell like Cold Calling is in the same transitional phase that pilots went through with Dog Fighting skills after WW2. They had to create Top Gun during the Vietnam War to re-engage those critical skills. Every client we work with that has any Sales Rep with less than 5 years experience desperately needs a full training on Cold Calling. We also make it part of every outreach cadence we teach so you have to be good at it to execute at a high level.
This might just be the best post on LinkedIn I've seen....ever..... Talk about a pattern disrupt! Thank you so much for supporting us, John Barrows. When I was new to sales I started following your stuff and it's a big part of why I stayed in this profession. Thank you for all you do for the profession of sales and for helping support 30MPC. You made someone smile today (me)
Rightly said, at Habit10X, we help people adapt to evolving sales techniques. According to HubSpot, 79% of buyers prefer personalized outreach over generic messages. Many reps default to outdated methods due to comfort with routine or fear of rejection. Cold calling is a powerful tool when done right, especially with the fresh strategies in Nick and Armand's book. Our Accountability Partner Program can help you refine your approach and stand out in today's market.
I have so much respect for your work and have followed you for decades. I'm finding that with the issues around voice recordings (or just the fear that it might be happening), I'm finding that almost no one answers their phone any more unless they recognize the number. Are you seeing different results? And if the answer is RTFB, that's cool. :-)
Cold calling is unwelcome & should be made wholesale illegal. If you couldn't be bothered to give value, or build any kind of relationship, I don't trust you & have ZERO reason to do business with you. tim #bgreen🌏
Author x Founder at 30 Minutes to President's Club | VP of Sales
6moLOL. I'm saving this forever. JB -- Nick and I literally learned how to sell from your podcast and we wouldn't be here without you. Thank you for being such an awesome partner, mentor, and... ironman 😂