"Starting this summer, Netflix will make supply available through Magnite, which buyers can access through The Trade Desk or DV360...." 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 The decision to decouple their inventory into high volume driving DSP's is a win/win for Netflix , Advertisers and Agencies. Its mostly important for large brands who own their respective TTD or DV360 seat. This will allow them to begin centralizing their streaming strategies into one consolidated platform. Thus focusing more on audience strategy, measurement and outcomes. With QoQ increases in the ad supported tier--Netflix will have to find new ways to monetize their yield and do so effectively. Microsoft was never the long term plan, but made sense as an initial partner in 2022. TTD & DV360 should be able to deliver scale and then some! I have a wild thought, hear me out. Given the antitrust lawsuits Google is faced with and the theories around the eventual need to sell off assets to appease congress.... what if Netflix was to Buy DV360? Can you imagine that? Would absolutely send shockwaves throughout the industry. Google makes most of its money off of Search, YouTube, & GAM anyway. I'm sure they'd rather be out of the buy-side business before any of the properties I mentioned above. Maybe? Either way, Great news from Netflix today! What are your thoughts on this update?
I love this, we should all love this. With so much new cool stuff I'm left scratching my head on who is going to still drop some cash for HGTV on linear after this upfront. Wouldn't be my first choice...
Building products. Scaling teams. Growing revenue.
9moThis is great news for end customers who were initially attracted to the "anti-TV" that was Netflix and its lack of ads. /s