There are lessons for all of us here. Sometimes the relationship is more important than the process. I'm proud to work at a place where young physicians like Dr. Karim Ali come to complete their training.
Karim Ali, MD – Resident, Internal Medicine “I was taking care of a patient who was hospitalized because of complications with end-stage lung cancer. She knew the care plan was palliative and didn’t need anyone to remind her of that. About halfway into her stay here, I shifted my conversations with her. Instead of always talking about the care plan, I asked her about her favorite books and movies. I read the summary of her favorite book so we could talk about it more. After her hospitalization, she died about two weeks later in her home. But before she passed, she told me something I’ll never forget – that I added more to her life than any doctor has. That stuck with me. It wasn’t by providing the best medical care, but by talking with her and asking questions about her life. It was by bringing her a diet coke. It was those small things that added up more for her than treatment plans.” Hennepin Healthcare Foundation is proud to highlight authentic stories from the wide variety of human beings who connect with our mission. Follow more Humans of Hennepin Healthcare at #hennepinhumans #hereforlife #givehhf
Health Equity Clinical Outcomes Director / Hospital Medicine Provider
3d…. It’s the small things that matter! Wonderful story.