Jeremy Smith’s Post

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Train like you fight. While this age old precept applies to the military it also applies to disaster preparedness and crisis management. How often does your organization review their preparedness plans? How often do you pressure test them? How often do you update them? Drill them? Simplify them? Imagine finding out during an actual crisis that your plan didn't include a key new step your team has to deal with, or that the new guy didn't get any training on a crucial task, or that you can't communicate with a team member because of something that could have easily been found during a drill. Truly resilient organizations train like they fight. The plan, prepare, and test their plans, their systems, and their people over and over again so they are ready for the real situations. How about your team? When's the last time you yanked that binder off it's dusty shelf and updated it? #emergencymanagement #crisismanagement #disaster #preparedness #businesscontinuity #incidentmanagement Noggin Motorola Solutions Joe Bosse Bill Carman Cynthia Wulff Josh Weinstein Britt Lincoln

John Chiaramonte

Building Safer Communities - Because Your Mission Matters


Ah, the cliché of having emergency plans in a binder on a shelf. It’s almost quaint, like a relic from another era. But let’s be real, those paper plans might be the only thing that still works when the digital world fails us. Think about it: your cloud storage might be inaccessible or your phone could be dead. Meanwhile, that dusty old binder is still sitting there, waiting to save the day. Sometimes, in this digital age, it’s the analog solutions that prove to be the most reliable. As Jeremy Smith suggests, when was the last time you printed out your COOP/DR plan?

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Michial Michalovich

President/CEO at MCORPUSA


It’s not only that, do you have a written COOP, do you understand how you fit in the EM plan and as John mentioned, God forbid you have to go completely Analog.

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