Hangar rash or ground damage is not only a major issue in the insurance industry, it impacts aircraft owners/pilots, flight crew, clients and ground based companies. The damage to an aircraft, if not noticed, could even be life threatening. The SMARTug design affords the tug operator to move freely around the aircraft while towing to watch for obstructions. Although we advocate for additional help while maneuvering an aircraft, one of the wing walkers can be the tug operator too. In times when filling openings in your operations is challenging enough, we make it easier for your team to get the job done safely!
We are deep into the holiday busy season for FBOs, and with it comes a seasonal spike in hangar rash incidents. The primary cause behind this increase is straightforward: the job needs to get done. With travel at record highs this season—and new milestones being set each year—line techs are expected to do more with less. This relentless pressure often leads to occasional mistakes amidst the chaos and, in some cases, a breaking of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in an effort to quickly move on to the next task. Recently, we received a video showing a line tech pulling a plane out of a crowded hangar—completely unaided, with no wing walkers or assistance. While no incident occurred in the video, successfully completing such a risky maneuver can inadvertently encourage similar high-risk actions in the future. We have anonymized the individual and the facility in question because this isn’t a “them” issue—it’s an industry-wide challenge. These situations arise at nearly every FBO, regardless of culture or training. When the pressure is on, and the job needs to be done, safety and standards often take a back seat. I’ve witnessed this firsthand at both large and small FBOs. On one occasion, I watched a line tech single-handedly move a Gulfstream while the Ops Director stood nearby, explaining how they always use wing walkers. Training programs and Safety Management Systems (SMS) are vital in combating ground damage, but they are just the starting point. We need to explore additional solutions because, time and again, safety and standards are compromised under the pressure of getting the job done. If you recognize the team, airport, or aircraft featured in this video, we ask that you refrain from harassment or attempts to expose them. The video is shared purely for educational and informational purposes. Have you witnessed similar maneuvers or seen SOPs disregarded to ensure a task gets done? Share your experiences with us—we’d love to hear from you! #fbo #businessaviation #hangarrash #safety