Holy savage. Duolingo just earned 100,000 likes in 4 hours with a screenshot from their platform, an emoji, and one Twitter tag. Pretty masterful zero-cost real-time social here (and woof, sorry Mavs fans).
Still scratching my head on how: 1) You trade your franchise player who just took you to a Finals 2) You don't even tell said franchise player he's been traded until it's done Like, WHAT??? All I know is that Imma be tuned in on Feb. 25.
Consistent reminder from the Duolingo team that it doesn't take to much to capture the attention economy and amplify your brand in a delightful way. Even if your product domain is vastly different than who you interact with. If it resonates, it will win. The power of social media 🙌
18 hours between tweets. Shows you don’t always have to rush to be first if the content/idea isn’t there yet!
Duolingo’s marketing is truly unmatched. They never fail to deliver!
Duolingo continues to crush their marketing and also user experience. That little bird is everywhere online and on my phone.
A sign to me their primary audience is no longer language geeks because I have no idea what’s going on here, and never will.
Being allowed to do what they do on X from a brand account that prominent must be a blast.
Shaq was fat and did just fine - the rest of the season is going to be amazing!
Absolutely brilliant use of real-time social media and capturing the cultural zeitgeist. The person on the other end of the Duolingo account should win an innovation and creativity award.
Creative Media Business Professional
1moHow well does X convert though?