Big news! Today marks a seminal milestone in both cardiac value-based care and further aligning Karoo Health with its mission of being America’s Cardiac Solution™. We are proud to announce an exclusive partnership to enable cardiac VBC to Zing Health and its members. To date, in this space, there has been no shortage of excitement, but very little execution, and this contract marks a major turning point for the industry. We’d like to start by giving a huge thank you to Andrew Clifton and TJ Ackerman from Zing Health for embracing how innovative insurers should look at solving specialty care and some of its members’ biggest needs by partnering with Karoo Health. Zing Health and its members will have access to a portion of Karoo Health's network of 700-plus cardiology providers nationwide, AI-powered technology, and wraparound services, truly meeting members’ needs in a cost-effective and timely manner. As the only company with best-in-class cardiac VBC technology and substantiated results, we will continue to serve American people who need us the most.
Congrats to the Karoo Health and Zing for teaming up on this important, first in the market! Way to go Ian, Ben, TJ and team! It's exciting that Zing Health was willing to invest in transformation that includes all the right things starting with deep Cardiologist enablement/engagement, broad support for all members and financial accountability for results. We've spent so much as an industry strengthening primary care (appropriately so), but in our lives we all need a full team working to manage our whole health needs. Thank you for blazing the path to get our Cardiologists to the value-based "table" in a big way! Looking forward to what's next.
Congrats Ian Koons—Zing is a great organization.
Congratulations Ian Koons !
Let's go! Excited to be on this journey with you all! 💪
Amazing News
Congratulations Ian, and continue to focus on delivering CV VBC solutions to populations.
Connecting innovative healthcare start-ups to name brand clients, accelerating their revenue growth and success.
1wMajor news indeed. Smart of the healthplan to recognize the incredible value your cardiac solution brings to the table. Congratulations.