🚀Available to download now: Skills: The New Global Currency? 🌍💡 Read hundoLAB’s flagship report, with lead Expert Partner City & Guilds The global workforce is at a tipping point. As technology accelerates, demographics shift, and sustainability drives new industries, the value of skills has never been higher. In the rapidly evolving labour market, skills are a truly global currency, and those who invest in them today will define the future. “There is one simple, inalienable truth that has driven hundo, my life’s work and the purpose of launching hundoLAB; you cannot build the future without the future builders.” - Esther O'Callaghan OBE Founder of hundo hundoLAB has brought together leading Future Skills Experts from across industries, education, and policy to explore what this means for employers. In this report, we explore: ✅ How technological advancement, shifting workforce demographics, and the green transition are reshaping skills demands ✅ Why traditional qualifications must evolve to meet the realities of the modern labor market ✅ How employers can take the lead in building resilient, adaptable workforces “This report is our call to employers to recognise the crucial role they have to play in shaping the global skills economy - and to act now.”Amelia Loveday Programme Director, hundoLAB 🔗 Download the full report here: https://hundolab.com/ A huge thank you to our Future Skills Experts for their invaluable insights, and to our partners for supporting this work. What are the most critical skills gaps in your industry right now? Drop your thoughts in the comments 👇💬 #FutureOfWork #SkillsEconomy #EducationPolicy #WorkforceDevelopment #hundoLAB Jennifer Barnett Piers Collins Tom Martin Luke Judge Kirstie Donnelly, MBE Esther O'Callaghan OBE Faiza Khan MBE Andy Moss Paddy Craven FIEP Emma Gray (MCIM) Cathy Hackl Tom Bewick Dr. Christiane Mueck Kay Vasey Kian Bakhtiari Theofilos Tzanidis Zubair Junjunia Dr. Lydia Kostopoulos (PhD)Russ Shaw CBE Jeffrey Salim Waheed Abdulbasit S. Mika'il James Fraser-Murison Matthew Griffin ● المستقبلي Paul Armstrong Matt Frew
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