NEW Report! HUD OIG’s Review of The Status of Puerto Rico’s Electrical System Enhancement Efforts. The Puerto Rico Department of Housing (PRDOH) budgeted most of its $1.93 billion disaster recovery funds for its two main electrical grid programs: (1) $500 million for the Energy Grid Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Cost Share Program, and (2) $1.3 billion for the Electrical Power Reliability and Resilience Program. PRDOH launched both electrical grid programs in 2023, and both programs are in their early implementation stages. As of July 12, 2024, PRDOH had spent less than 1 percent of its total budget for both programs – only $179,761 of $1.93 billion. Click here:
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General ’s Post
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PJM Mission Statment: “As the primary task, to ensure the safety, reliability and security of the bulk electric power system.” Over the past few months, I’ve had the privilege of supporting this mission by preparing this season’s OATF study on behalf of PJM Interconnection. Last week at the Operating Committee I presented my final report which was summarized in the attached article by RTO Insider. The OATF study is an in-depth analysis for the entire RTO and its neighbors to represent “the PJM system with the transmission and generation configuration approximating the conditions expected to exist during the study period” These studies are all very similar so here’s a high level explanation from 30,000 feet (or so): -Collect real time PJM data to establish what we already know -Request data from the transmission owners of what their systems will look like 6-8 months from now -Pool that data together into one PSSE case -Mold that case to approximate expected conditions during the winter peak (Jan/Feb) -Run power flow analysis and sensitivities to determine whether there will be any issues from the combination any of the information provided in the aforementioned steps -If there are issues, we either fine tune the case ourselves, or work with the transmission owners to find a resolution -Present findings… For this analysis I am pleased to announce PJM has identified no reliability risk for the Winter 2024/25 season. This 5 month analysis was a great learning oppurtunity for me, which provided a lot of hands on experience with Siemens PSSⓇE and PowerGEM’s TARA. I have to give a shout out to my team for their dedication to training me on this, namely my predecessors Robert Dropkin and Thinzar Aung who were there to answer my questions when needed. Also thanks to great management by Nicole Scott and Chris Pilong for guiding me in this process as well. Looking forward to jumping into the next analysis for Summer within the next few months!! For more info on what we do at PJM and WHY we do what we do check out
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On Jan. 28, the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission approved a facility permit for the South Dakota portion of the Big Stone South to Alexandria (BSSA) 345-kV transmission line. Co-owned by Otter Tail Power Company and Western Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, this 100-mile transmission line will enhance electric reliability, increase resilience to extreme weather and expand access to low-cost energy. Learn more about the BSSA project by visiting #GridReliability #PublicPower #TransmissionExpansion #BSSA
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FERC has issued Order No. 1920-A, which preserves much of Order No. 1920 but requires transmission planners to file state-proposed cost allocation schemes for regional transmission projects with the Commission for consideration. You can expect transmission planners to submit compliance filings in late spring 2025, and to kick off their first long-term regional planning cycles no later than June 2027. Our breakdown:
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