USEA’s series on how system operators and utilities ensure adequate resources kicks off today with an overview from one of the nation's power system experts
Herman Trabish’s Post
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Another great podcast from Power the Network with Tim Locker and Chris Kurtz, PE,PMP where they discuss the power grid, its components, and what might happen if the grid goes down. We hope you take time to listen.
What Would Happen if the Power Grid Goes Down? | Chris Kurtz Ep 18
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In the USEA podcast’s first episode on energy policy under the new presidential administration and congress, a former top Biden administration insider details what to watch.
USEA Power Sector Podcast Episode 107: Former Biden Administration Official Tanuj Deora
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Are you part of an association interested in learning to budget like a champion, and you missed our podcast episode with Mike Eckenroth, CEM, and Seth Crackel? Click here to listen! #energypodcast #propertymanagement #associations #wegetenergy #naniaenergy
EP. 013 Learn How To Budget Energy Like A Champion!
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Take a listen to how #DVI is working together with #DominionEnergy to build a resilient and efficient grid using Advanced Voltage Control. #DVI is the industry leader in voltage control solutions and can deliver measurable savings to both grid operators and customers alike. #GridModernization #VoltVAROptimization #Voltage #Utilities
Grid Resiliency and Beyond Podcast - Episode 12
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This podcast is a great example of how companies like DVI (Dominion Voltage Inc) realize the benefits of electric smart meters and data they collect. Currently utilities primarily use smart meters to record our electricity usage and create customer billing. But did you know that usage (kWh) is only a small part of the data smart meters collect? Software like DVI's EDGE goes far beyond that and monitors voltage across many smart meters on a distribution network. It employs real-time data analysis and helps to conserve energy, and manage load through voltage reduction.
Take a listen to how #DVI is working together with #DominionEnergy to build a resilient and efficient grid using Advanced Voltage Control. #DVI is the industry leader in voltage control solutions and can deliver measurable savings to both grid operators and customers alike. #GridModernization #VoltVAROptimization #Voltage #Utilities
Grid Resiliency and Beyond Podcast - Episode 12
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DER Task Force has been a great resource researching Electricity Markets & dynamics of the power grid. Being a #DER nerd is powerful. Anyone interested in learning more ⤵️ Check the pod: Tune into the DERVOS event, simplifying all this complexity takes a special tact. Check the substack: #electricitymarkets #vpp #distributedpowerplant #BESS #microgrids #bidirectionalcharging #v2g #virtualpowerplant #solarinterconnection
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In this AEIC (Association of Edison Illuminating Companies) podcast episode, we’re excited to be joined by Patrick E Smith Sr., SVP of Operations and Technical Services at Ameren Illinois. Patrick is also the chairman of our Power Delivery Committee. Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen in: -An overview of how the Power Delivery Committee is structured and who can become a member -Why utility folks who are a part of the energy delivery value chain should get involved with AEIC's Power Delivery Committee -How the Power Delivery Committee provides a forum for discussing climate risks, artificial intelligence, data-driven decision-making, and more. -Why the committee is currently focused on mitigating crisis scenarios and distribution safety -Why failures are just as important to share as best practices
The Grid Mod Pod | Episode 29: AEIC's Power Delivery Committee with Patrick E. Smith, Sr.
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Episode 94 of "Energy and YOU!", NNPC Limited's flagship weekly TV programme, is live! Watch it when you visit and please share your thoughts in the comments section. Join the conversation and be a part of our ever-growing community. #EnergyAndYou #EnergyForToday #EnergyForTomorrow
Energy and YOU! - Episode 94
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Surrey's new Power Grid. #jashohal #show #podbean #vancouverbc #lowermainland #information #updates #Canadiannews #podcasting #podcasts
Surrey’s Power Grid addition
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In the latest Fourth Branch Podcast, J. Kennerly Davis presents an overview of electric industry regulation. Davis discusses how regulation has changed in a fundamental way over the last 140 years, and what that change has meant for electric customers large and small.
Explainer Episode 78 – An Overview of Electric Industry Regulation
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